Stared for the Princess Bride reference!
Stared for the Princess Bride reference!
Of all this, the thing that most struck me as emblematic is the fact that the only family photo he has on display is of his father.
I think it’s the getting them to care bit that is nearly impossible. I go through this crap with my extended family all the time. Their own lives as the children of immigrants (whose parents came here fleeing religious persecution, FFS!), growing up dirt poor in public housing and on welfare has no impression on them.…
This is what happens to me on home game days. The closest Trader Joe’s is at the stadium. It’s the only reason I have to refer to the Patriots game schedule that’s attached to my fridge.
Not-so-funny story... my BFF’s sister is not a football fan, but my BFF, her wife, their kids, my wife, our kid, and a handful of friends are and we always watch the game at her house because she has the biggest TV and couch. BFF and the fam. just got back from a trip to Europe and there was no food in their house so…
She terrifies me.
Is there any data on what other high-profile people get paid for speeches? I ask because none of those speaking fees seem astronomical to me. A quarter million strikes me as pretty average, actually.
That grumpy cat face of his is his trademark. You’ll know he’s pissing himself with unchecked glee if he cracks a smirk.
Sadly, I did not make it. I bought it at a roadside stand in NH.
The Mrs. and the kiddo are dragging a reluctant me (reluctant b/c football = “meh”) to our friends’ house where we will be served some of the best goodies the Trader Joe’s frozen appetizer section has to offer (I am hoping for arancini and those little pastry cups with feta and caramelized onions) and some truly…
I think he’s also vodka-filled. That face has “chronic alcoholism and mid-stage liver failure” written ALL over it.
This is a parody, right?
I had this talk with my wife last night. She is somewhat freaked out by the idea, but I have reached the point where I am afraid, and if it comes down to it, I’m going to put up a fight.
In the immortal and very confusing words of They Might be Giants:
In all fairness, it WOULD be nice if we could adjust things so that inauguration day was in the late summer or something so that kids could finish the school year, rather than having to be completely uprooted in every way, shape, and form in the middle of a school year. I don’t blame parents for wanting to help their…
I did! It made me snort laugh.
Two peas in a pod.
The best thing about Twitter is that I used it to him a spineless weasel this morning. It was childish yet very satisfying.
Others have already pointed out that nominees can’t be filibustered. SC Justices are the only exception. The only way that anyone is going to stop this is for the Republicans to grow a fucking spine and put country over party for once in their miserable existence. Since we know how likely that is, it’s safe to say…