
People vote against their own self interests ALL THE TIME. It’s part of the reason we are in the social and economic mess we’re in. A good part of the reason the Republican party went hard-right on social issues was to capitalize on the evangelicals, the racists, and the homophobes because the only way to get people

Palatino Linotype or GTFO.

“All Americans” meaning white men. Preferably rich.

My kid is left-handed. The only person in our family who is left handed is my wife’s non-bio Mom, and the sperm donor’s profile said he’s right-handed. She has all the personality characteristics of a lefty too...

I now (with great shame) understand what MLK meant when he wrote, “Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.”

Right. That’s the first paragraph of my “How Healthcare ACTUALLY Works” speech. Guess what!? We’ve all been paying for all those uninsured people all along! Ha! Since the ACA was passed, not only do a large portion of those people have the ability to seek care BEFORE their condition becomes critical (thus saving

That man has the worst case of shark eyes I’ve ever seen. Even when he’s laughing he looks dead inside.

I think you’re right about liberals lacking energy. And I say that as someone who is totally complicit in that. I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately and one of the things I’ve discovered is that I just take for granted the fact that good people believe the same things I do. Like, “of course black lives matter”,

I have been a nurse for nearly 2 decades now, and I’ve spent half of that time working in the insurance industry. I spent a good portion of that time implementing ACA regulations. All of which is to say that I have a better understanding than most about what the ACA is and is not, and how insurance works.


Being a racist is not an “opinion” that people have a right to express. Racism is a character flaw and moral failing. So, no, there is no reasoning with racist people because they are broken in a fundamental way and no amount of talking to them or presenting evidence to the contrary will ever change that.

“[Racism] keeps you explaining, over and over again, your reason for being.”

That is both utterly beautiful and completely repulsive. Good stuff!

The closest thing you’ll ever get from a malignant narcissist is, “I’m sorry you feel that way.” When you push for an actual apology because the words that were just said do not qualify as an apology, all you’ll get is, “I said I was SORRY! Why isn’t that good enough? You’re so needy and dramatic all the time. No

I kind of get where you’re coming from, but I’m also conflicted about this. Ultimately, I think I’ve decided that I’m OK with my reps being there, because all 3 of them have made it clear that they are not having it with Trump. The fact that Senator Warren will be at the Boston march the next day underscores that she

If what I’ve learned just from reading this comment thread is true (that there were upwards of 40,000 camps) then I guess it would be impossible to know about all of them. The scale and coordination and... efficiency... of it all is absolutely horrifying.

My SIL and I just recently said the exact same thing. Who is more qualified than those of us who lived this bullshit day in and day out for decades and learned how to survive (and thrive) along the way?

My mother is a malignant narcissist, and there are times when I have felt triggered by Trump’s behavior. I am not a psychiatrist, and I am not diagnosing him; merely pointing out that the behaviors- gaslighting, inability to take criticism, persecution complex, blatant lying and revision of facts, blaming failures and

I just recently learned that the town I live in has the highest concentration of Holocaust survivors in North America.

The social services dept. had a team of social workers and clergy and volunteers who were Russian-speaking, and they were so awesome.