
OMG! One of my law school classmates is a flat Earther! I thought he was kidding when he babbled something about the lies we are told since birth, the first of which being that the planet is round and revolves around the sun (the professor cut him off before he could get to the point... assuming he had one), but then

Your friend has a remarkable amount of discipline. That’s incredibly impressive.

This is my mother. She isn’t truly “elderly” yet (just turned 66 this past August) but the combination of her underlying personality disorder plus an uptick in her baseline depression a couple of years ago after she lost her part-time job (the only reason she ever left the house to begin with) basically caused her to

Your friend falls into the very small sliver of the population in which opioids are actually beneficial. They allow him to function and go about a normal (or “normal”- these things are often relative) life. The problem is that for a far larger hunk of the population, opioids don’t actually increase function and

I’m a certified hundredaire and the Christmas Eve spread I’m planning for a dozen or so of my friends is more lavish than that...

This needs all the stars.

This is way off topic, I know, but what is going on in that photo up there? I mean, Ivanka is young and not bad-looking. WHY is she wearing pancake makeup that has been applied with a spatula in a shade that is just... not... right (I am not a makeup artist)? I don’t understand this.

One of my high school classmates lives in Newtown and her children both attended Sandy Hook and were there on the day of the shooting. Mercifully, neither was physically harmed, but it was intensely traumatic both for the kids and for my friend and her husband.

I am short but I’m also claustrophobic. I fly from the East coast to Hawaii twice a year to visit family, and one leg of the trip is 9-11 hours. I fly Jet Blue pretty exclusively (because points) and even though I think their seats are more roomy than most, I always request an aisle seat in an exit row. If someone

Basically, yes. Scalia’s death would have been the best thing to happen to the Court and those of us who believe in social justice, human rights and equal protection for all, but since the Senate is refusing to act on his replacement’s nomination and has taken steps to prevent Obama from circumventing them, we may

Scalia was an originalist. He essentially believed that if it wasn’t in the Constitution, then it was unconstitutional. That was his reason for dissenting with every civil rights case that he ever heard. But curiously he was much more flexible about things like the Second Amendment. Essentially, Scalia was a racist,

Unfortunately, no. Remember that when the Constitution was drafted, the definition of “citizen” was essentially limited to white men. Black people and women fell under the definition of “property.” And of course, sexual and gender orientation was never even contemplated by the Framers. The Civil Rights Act was passed

I remember when TLC was still called that, and didn’t also seem to have an obsession with little people.

This was my FAVORITE toy when I was a kid!

He seems nice.

Aww... looking that cute little smiley face!

Me! I agree completely. The high road clearly leads straight to hell.

Whatever you do, DON’T read the rest of the trilogy.

I’m so glad it’s not just me, but I’m always down with a velvet jacket. I just bought myself a black velvet biker jacket, in fact, and I LOOOOOOVE it.