
Sadly, it's not what it seems. The documentary maker is an arts journalist who wanted to write a funny news article about endurance tickling. When he reached out to the tickling-sponsering company, they told him to stop asking questions or risk a lawsuit (and also lobbed homophobic slurs at him via email). This only

Wolf in White Van just got better and better as it went along. At first, I found the prose overreliant on details and a little awkward. That said, relying on beautiful descriptions to move the story along (rather than using dialogue or plot) is something I expected from an author who usually writes songs, so I kept

Love "Ontario," too. That song is haunting.

Um….why is this classfied as a music review?

I'm really looking forward to a fish-out-of-water comedy starring Josh Chan trying to fit in at seminary.

Not to mention Rebecca's desire for revenge means she's not really over Josh, and that she'll just go back to having an obsession with hating him, which is definitely not healthy for either one of them.


This really feels like a variation on the "I have cancer and I want to have sex before I die" trope.

As he's dying, she pulls out her emergency surgury equipment and switches hearts with him, valiently sacrificing herself.

I've also noticed Bojack (the character)'s secret competence at everything. For example, while he rarely shows it, Bojack is actually really smart. Nail that essay on the causes of the French revolution, Bojack!

"Lovesick" is on my to-watch list, I've heard only good things. I like YTW quite a bit, but it doesn't always hit me as hard as I want it to…I agree that it's uneven.

I'm happy the avclub decided to run a philosophical, long form peice like this…one that takes a big picture look at trends in television. It's the kind of writing I wish I saw more of on the av club.

Honestly, if Lenny turned into the talented Mr Ripley, killing his lovers by pushing them off the tower into St Peter's Square, I would go along with it.

That would be true…

I was confused about this too. Lenny seemed to equate people abstaining with people supporting the PM's opposition.

Isn't that kind of the point of Migos?

I used to live near the record store run by a member of Wolf Eyes (he ran it out of his house for a while, then got an actual storefront). Whenever you went in, you needed to be ready to chat with him or the co-owner for at least 15 minutes about music nerd stuff.

And they look like the minions from Despicable Me. Especially in this video:

But Rae Stremmund = Beatles so

I thought the story was fluffier and less substantive (in terms of emotional payoff and character development) than earlier arcs. That said, I think the aim of the story was to give some exposition and set up the stakes for a larger storyline, and I appreciate that the writers did that in a fun way that didn't bog