
Jonathan Frazen: Purity I don't normally read novels (I'm dedicated to the dying genre of short stories, which I can start and finish in the hour before bed) but I liked Freedom, and a friend gave me Purity last Christmas, so I figured why not. I was surprised immediately at Purity's showcase of obviously and

OH OK I JUST GOT THAT. That makes it better

Lynda Barry (graphic novel writer) did a short comic about dating Ira Glass in college. Apparently, he was a terrible, amusingly condescending boyfriend. It's worth the read if you're interested.

DJ Dog? Don't you mean DJ Dog Head?

Burlington is the new Portland…and I love it.

This is pretty good. I would recommend if you like some of the better Apatow comedies, Bridesmaids, etc. It usually remains squarely within that genre, but there are a lot of laugh out loud moments and both lead characters are excellent…

I think you mean "Atlas Shrugged III: Look Who's Talking Now"

*peeks at user scores* Fuck, this movie is polarizing.

Kudos to goat-person off to the left in the photo, for choosing an underrepresented animal and committing to being on four legs.

Right now I'm just imagining Zach Galafanikis' character on Baskets learning about clown persecution in fancy French clown school (of course, it wouldn't be clownsecution due to the French's hatred of puns)


I read Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters in full a few years ago. It was fine. I forget most of it.

It's funny how writers I like can sometimes have taste I really dislike. I like Elizabeth Strout, but she edited a volume of the Best American Short Stories a few years ago that I found kind of….boring. All the stories were written in a very writer-ly way and ended with a Big Symbolic Moment. This book will hopefully

"If I don't sell a membership I might lose my job which would be really, really hard on my boss" -Martha

Fun fact: people used to make ink out of tree galls, and it was used to write the declaration of independence. Gross!

I suspect it got on the list simply because it's so weird…it doesn't fit neatly within any genre. Most movies are panned when critics see what the directors tried and failed to do…I think it's unusual for a movie to be panned because no one's really sure what it's going for. I wouldn't call it underseen and under

Because you watched "In The Loop", we think you would like The Ridiculous 6" and "Beasts of No Nation"!

…and the entire cast of The Force Awakens. Actually, instead of the Oscars, just air The Force Awakens.

I once had a boss named Chris who was a survivalist, used to be a professional actor, saved endangered plants and ended every sentence with an exclamation point. Needless to say everyone called him Traeger behind his back.

For sure. If we're going with rock stars, though, in all seriousness I think Bradford Cox could capture a little of that glamorous, unsettling, only-technically-human vibe.