
Oh, god, the hosts were on @midnight the other day, and they were, for that format, very funny. But I saw the ad for the show and I swear I went blind from rage because of the complete misuse of “shade” going on. And the fact they make a fucking point to say “and a gay man” because, fuck knows, we HAVE to know he’s

KellyAnne is terrible, but you can be terrible and still see that coat design is EVEN MORE TERRIBLE. Everything about this coat is a sin. I can’t deal with the fact that she apparently looked at it and went, “USA!” Even though Gucci flat-out said “It’s a reference to London.” And there is no way to make a bright red

Maybe the camera operators couldn’t believe what they were seeing.

This is wonderful. I would like to add the way the company dismissed him by referring to re-training for “this isolated incident.” Nothing reads more business bitchy fuck you than that.

I finally saw the performance, assuming the story had maybe been blown out of proportion, but nope. It was super uncomfortable. I was very impressed with Seacrest coming up with a positive spin. That’s professionalism.

That Electrical Facial Massager is a clit stimulator, and you know all the ladies knew it.

I gave up giving a fuck on propriety once the cramps went nuclear. I think I was seventeen. Until I got my uterus out, people would ask why I seemed so off or if I was okay, and I’d say, “I’m on my period.” In my experience, dudes squick out for awhile sometimes, and it is so stupid. It’s not like I’m asking them to

Thanks, patriarchy, for making them think they’re unclean.

Given that it all appears Titantic themed, there is a very good chance they’re in Branson, MO, which is tacky as shit and LOVES having a Titanic museum SHAPED like the boat.

My mom requests a list of no more than five gifts from each of us (including spouses). She picks one gift from the five. I like that system very much because she and I have such different taste in clothes/jewelry that the few times she’s bought for me, I have not even been whelmed. My MIL, on the other hand, is some

I’d like to add “alighting” to that list. Was forced to use it instead of “exit” on documents for work. When I pointed out it sounded like we were setting people on fire, no one cared.

I’m curious what you mean by going back on your own memories for phobias is bad science. I have multiple phobias that I can directly link to trauma from when I was a kid (claustrophobic because sibling locked me in a freezer; fear of my feet being touched because I got a brick slammed on my foot). The thrust of CBT

I also recommend not realizing how tall the candle flame is and coming back into your childhood bedroom to realize the blinds are melting. Whoops.

As long as you don’t use Papyrus, I will forgive you. Sidenote: the design on her candles was a thing of lackluster, half-assed beauty, and I am so proud of the props department.

Same reason he’s not being charged with kidnapping or wrongful imprisonment either, even though holding her hostage in her own home certainly qualifies.

Crochet hook and a jar for pressure. Best to do it in the bath, as it’ll splash some.

Having broken multiple corks using even the winged corkscrew, the electric one is magic. That I still can’t operate properly. I am hopeless.

I know the holiday season has truly arrived when this post goes up. I love it. And I need that deer antler. I’m cosplaying Hannibal this weekend.

Yeah, my dad’s side gets into a LOT of that “we’re mad at X for Y,” thing. At one point, we as a family were shunned for 18 months because of...something? Like, didn’t even call us when grandma shattered her arm falling off the porch sort of shunned. Being very far away from it all has been amazing for me.

I have aunts in the same situation. They’ve been mad at each other for 20-odd years or more, and I never get the same story about why. At one point, it was because one aunt called out their dad for something during a holiday dinner. At another point, it was because the second aunt was mad she was not complimented by