
I've also been reading since 2007-ish, just started commenting, and I'm a teacher! So I had to say hi! I'll second the other suggestions that say pencil skirt and a nice blouse. It works even if other people are more dressed up or down than you are, especially in the summer.

No sympathetic neighbors or friends? Can you sneak the wine bottles into a dumpster outside of a store somewhere? When all else failed, my hiding place was the oven. :)

I found $40 while cleaning my room. I am going to buy myself a present. What sort of frivolous and totally impractical gift would you buy yourself?

I have been obsessively refreshing my e-mail for two weeks waiting on an e-mail about a job (which was promised by today at the latest). Comes in at 4 pm saying "sorry, we've been delayed, we'll let you know by June 18". I do not have the brain cells for this. Time for beer.

I have not had anything from Lost Abbey brewing label that I have not enjoyed. I especially enjoy their Angel's Share, which is an ale aged in bourbon barrels and it is SO smooth. Also loving Firestone Walker brewing and their recent Parabola (Russian Imperial Stout) and Sucaba (Barley Wine).

I second msmorrissey. I also teach eighth grade algebra (HIGH FIIIIVE!), and run into many of the same issues. After I've chased after the kids/parents farrrrr past the point of reason, I call it a day. I make sure I've covered my ass (documented all the phone calls, report cards, scheduled conferences,