
Well then come on and have a seat and we’ll pass the bottle around! Send your three year old back home with his money. Actually, keep the penny and we’ll splurge on the expensive stuff next time.

Whoa, look at Mr. Moneybags over here, waving around his hard currency like it was nothing! Got so many pennies he can just carry one around with him to stick in his tire like a common tool! Go back to uptown, Mr. Moneybags, don’t taunt us with your fantastic wealth.

My trucks have never left me stranded or broken down with my kids in the car. My ex-wife in the truck or driving it? Brakes failed, refused to start, brand new (leak tested under pressure!!!) heater core failed in the dead of winter, and the mechanical fuel pump died twice.

The M5 burns through rear tires in about the space it takes to get from the tire shop’s bay out to the curb.

Here’s a thought: Maybe your cars were being the ultimate wingmen? Making sure you don’t end up with the wrong woman?


You sound smart.

She was asking why she was being charged for said utensils. Since when do restaurants charge extra for takeout utensils?

You clearly never drove a BMW with the ZF 8HP 

Those waitresses did not call the cops on this young woman out of fear. It was pure hatred and spite at work. She was going to report them, so they had her assaulted by cops.

I regret that I have but one star to give you, my dear. If I had ever had a daughter, I would want her to be like you.

You’re right, you’re right. But it’s still funny to joke about her being happy with Obama because it would theoretically make Trump so mad. Even if she doesn’t deserve happiness.

Thank you PV! I’m so fed up with all this let’s-feel-sorry-for-Melania crap.... enough already. Bitch made her goddamn bed; let her rot in it. No one forced her to marry that evil orange turd. She wanted the life of a privileged trophy wife - now she’s got it. Fuck her if she’s unhappy. There are people suffering in

I’m still convinced she was literally purchased and didn’t have much choice.

Melania chose this. My sympathy is near nill, Boy Gorge was exactly what was written on the tin, and I’m sure language was no barrier in understanding what that meant. So while she might be a decent person I’m sure that her reasons for marrying the turd had nothing to do with decency.

Fucking Russia Today.......

Enjoy your lawsuit, Laura....

That first line is a wee bit redundant.

No, thanks, I’ll sick to paint chips.

Lol, once you pop....THAT’S GREAT!