Wow. There sure are a lot of people saying the same thing. I’m just here to say, have a good day and play some cool video games.
Wow. There sure are a lot of people saying the same thing. I’m just here to say, have a good day and play some cool video games.
Here’s my humble brag reply. I have a slim vita with 64 gigs. I’m able to play every single NES, SNES, Gameboy, Gameboy color, Gameboy advance, Genesis and Master System game with it. I can also pirate and play PSP games. I like having this because my time is very limited.
I’m glad you didn’t say, “to be honest” after the rest of that. Nothing but an improvised fabrication of lies.
Was this article written by an insecure, obsessed girlfriend? Maybe he's sick. Maybe there's been a tragedy in his family. Maybe he's in the shower and can't respond to your incessant instant messages.
Buying a refurbished slim PS2 and a few games from Game Stop was the worst buying experience of my life. Got it home and it wouldn't read disks. Went back and exchanged it. Came home and the next one wouldn't turn on. Another exchange. Came home and realized the third party memory card they threw in was corrupt and…
You're the worst kind of person.
Thank you for fighting for such a noble cause. It is an honor bestowed by your divine and infinite wisdom. Now, go, to other articles about less than useful browser extensions! We need you to save us from our own improper operation of the internet.
I wonder how you feel now. I can't wait for Binding of Isaac: Rebirth.
Lucina is both 46 and 39. How does that work?
I couldn't care less.
We were paying 30 a month for 768 kbps, then I called AT&T to see if they could raise the bandwidth for the same price.
I actually live in Topeka, KS.
$30 bucks a month. I feel like killing people most of the time.
That's one mean gamer. With the looks he was giving I'm surprised he wasn't choked out.
I'm wondering what might happen if a 3DS user coincidentally uses another persons Nintendo Network name. I'm guessing it would tell them that the name is already taken.