
How about you just shut the fuck up and let people enjoy things?

Stop posting stupid fucking shit and maybe people will do that.

Hey congratulations on never seeing a Linklater film. You’ll probably love this one.

Jesus fucking christ how long are you people going to try to ruin things for the rest of us?

I mean, any person that’s been to a Smash event knows Smash players smell worse than people that play other games. It’s just a fact.

Oh no you’ll have to use the internet less for a day I’m sending thoughts and prayers.

I mean to be fair a lot of women have really really awful voices. Especially the woo girls who always are fucking up good gay bars.

Oh god the height of clickbait.

Stop deflecting and start doing some self-reflection on how absolutely weird you are.

You can actually smell how far over on some side of the spectrum this post is.

Why would Endgame make you hate him? All he did was come through a portal and shoot guns.

As long as I made someone’s day worse I’m happy.

Good lord you are an insane distance up your own ass.

Came here to say this. What is this writer even doing in this game hahah

Booooo no one wants this or anything from you. Go away forever.

Stop playing these gigantic AAA games you stupid fucking sheep.

Foreskin is not a sexual thing you sheltered little weirdo, it’s a body part.

hahaha I didn’t give her that name!

Totally on her side but why pick a handle so close to Foreskin?

While the gay dudes under and over 25 continue to laugh at all of you.