I’m sorry but who exactly do you think this is for?
I’m sorry but who exactly do you think this is for?
So uhhhhh... who wants to be the one to tell this kid there were no KH games on Vita?
What a stupid fuckin joke.
Uh oh hahah I think he thinks that was for THIS march.
Fuck your stupid ignorant ass.
Wow Japan really is obsessed Ariana Grande.
Wow I’m so surprised some mainstream generic white bro EDM dude would say such horrible things.
QA is a development department.
This reply confirms you are a sack of fucking garbage.
How about you and nintendo both go fuck yourselfs with your paid advertisement shit and I buy whatever I want.
How about you and nintendo both go fuck yourselfs with your paid advertisement shit and I buy whatever I want.
I bet you’re the type of person who thinks that song is dubstep.
Go fuck yourself you stupid big baby.
This just made me straight up legit start tearing up. I need to go back to this.
Oh my god he’s hot, I need to start listening to this band.
Maybe next time read a little bit before getting offended.
As a gay man, I gotta say.
Adults can tell people to go fuck themselves too. I thought you people were all about men expressing their emotions. Try to stay on-brand, dude.
Fuck your stupid ugly worthless mother.
Fuck you, you stupid piece of shit.
Die confused about it.