
Is there a single rational adult in the entire world that uses the phrase “fan boy”?

I guarantee you that the people living in the nearest big town to you call your town the armpit of their area.

That gif has secured my decision to never play No Man’s Sky.

It’s fucked up but true to say that the earth would be a better place without this dude.

Someone needs to hit the reset button on modern day society and fast.

I’ve already got a backup in the Alamo Season Pass beta I signed up for, but thanks for the faux-concern!

That isn’t what I meant and you know it you pedantic little piece of shit.

What the fuck has happened to wow? Can we just play a game without all this dumb social shit everywhere.

I consider myself blessed to be a full decade past the apparent average, then.

And here I was feeling like I’ve only been annoyed by this shits presence for a few months now.

Is all this silly streaming bullshit really worth these consequences?

My parents have always said that, but I’ve worked 50+ hour weeks in the gaming industry for almost 16 years now and I have yet to feel that feeling.

Well you probably were done with the club/bar scene because of how terrible it is.

As a gay man in a committed relationship, no kids, and a double household income, I gotta say I don’t really empathize with your sitter situation.

Buy a new game or two, or spend $9.99 on 20 Moviepass nights. I’ll pick the second and spend the rest on an ounce at the end of the month.

What kind of bitchass boss starts a message with “I’m making you...”

Who the fuck stays home on a Friday night anyway?

No one gives a fuck about who you know. Just tell us your info and keep moving.

You both are fucking retards.

Someone’s mad their unlikable nasty 1-note poorly-played character wasn’t asked back for the new season.