
I really liked that costume, at least the design and construction. DIdn't make sense, but it looked good.

The "Daredevil" movie did show Matt covered with bruises and cuts, even scars, chewing Vicodin in the shower. It wasn't as extensive, the movie being PG-13, but they definitely portrayed some of the cost of fighting without invulnerability or enhanced strength.

Oh, sure … says the guy who killed three million New Yorkers with a tentacled vagina mind bomb monster.

Not much of one for those not bored enough to click the link.

Yes, those neck veins can be scary. He got heavily into exercise for a long time, starting in the mid-'80s. For a while there, he had forearms like Popeye. This was quite a transformation from his skinny-rocker look of the previous 10 years. Since then, he seems to have tried to stay in shape, especially for a man

Springsteen's a great showman and I've been a fan for more than 30 years, but I can't stand to hear him sing live anymore. He talks rather than sings through half the songs and his high end is completely blown out. Ah, well.

5 LPs, in the Jurassic era!

She's no Candy Slice.

I guess I was thinking of the secondary market, like ebay, but cool! Thanks for the info.

I was bored by HtD #1, but I'm going to give it a few issues. It certainly wasn't as bad as the Bill Mantlo stories immediately post-Gerber. Those were filled with pop culture references and parodies, rather than stories especially about a rather miserable, short-tempered duck stuck in a world he never made. The new

My philosophy is that if something feels like a chore, give up. As "famous" librarian Nancy Pearl put it, life is too short to read books you don't like.

Spend a few bucks on the black and white "Essential Howard the Duck" book. Cheap, readable, funny, sometimes depressing, wonderful. Don't be fooled by what came later.

Perhaps I've read too much Warren Ellis over the last 15 years, but it felt forced. The art was wonderful, but there was so much "let's completely redefine Moon Knight" stuff in it that the six issues were, at close, a bit disappointing for me.

In the comics, she's a lawyer.

A hot dog makes Captain Singh lose control.

And take a shovel and a bucket. They've probably run out of corners to shit in!

Woody Allen didn't think so, but Mia Farrow did.


A la Barry's twin in the comics being stolen?

Really? I loved "Five Years Later," until they decided to make it into a standard superhero book again. The "clone" Legion drove me away.