
If anyone wanted to know what's up with Amos's prominent arm tattoo (although I guess it's the actor's?), it's a slightly misspelled, peculiarly fonted "express your opinions." In the feminine imperative, but whatevs. Kind of works for the character, actually.

Not that I'm complaining about more Kathryn Hahn, but Sarah can't find anyone to go for spiritual advice that her brother didn't ask her not to see? It's LA! You can't spit without hitting a shul! (Please do not spit on shuls). She could have gone to hang out with the Persians, they're demonstrably excellent at having

I'm all for intellectualizing video games beyond what they can likely bear on their modest shoulders (hell, I do it for fucking Halo), but I'm just not sure Assassin's Creed deserves it. And I say that as someone who's bought nearly all of them. It's odd, because on the surface, they seem like the most intelligent and

Was I the only one who noticed that Freedom Cry, shackle-breaking and slaver-stabbing little bit of simulated historical guilt expunction that it was, made the thematically bizarre choice to use slaves as the in-game currency?

I thought the novels were better than the comics, but comics almost never do anything for me, so…eh?

At least one of the Mosaics is bugged and can't be completed. As are several other collection quests. At this point, I think leaving dozens of really obvious bugs functions as BioWare's calling card. Its "Z" slashed into the shirt of a bandito.

Arrival is kind of inessential. I bought Citadel but never successfully played it due to every attempted replay of ME3 being ruined by mounting pique. I think Dragonborn was fun, in that sterile, "yep, here's some new areas and crafting ingredients" Bethesda sort of way. Wait, was that the one with the Eldritch horror

Full hour or two? That won't even get you to the portentous cut to black followed by the DRAGON AGE INQUISITION title banner. That will barely get you to the first time your character steps out into full sunlight and you say, "Heeeyy, she didn't look like that in the character generator at all."

My gaming resolution is to feel that my purchase of an Xbox One was justified. $400 is a lot to play Halo and DA with (so they tell me) higher framerates. I don't think I even notice framerates until stuttering starts.

Well, I'm hardly a Halo loremaster, but if you're intrigued, probably over 90% of Halo's story takes place outside of the games. You could watch the cutscenes on YouTube and that would take you there.

Could this be a subtle commentary on how the power of legend outstrips all objective fact, and how belief in legend is more meaningful to those in desperate straits than any sort of quest for truth, even if, yea, the truth is what may set them free? (I think there was a game about this recently.)

Four. Four players. But I feel the same way. There's some poetry going on in those games underneath the shiny gold visor.

I have spent some time considering this. Ultimately, I decided Halo's story is the result of a bunch of intelligent people hedging their bets because they, with ample justification, believe their audience to be preverbal, sociopathic morons (it is a tale told to an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying little

What amuses me is that they forever blew their Flood load (ew, sorry) in literally the next level.

You make valid criticisms, but ask yourself honestly: at any point in Halo 4 are you forced to make your way through a baffling network of what appear to be syphilis-ravaged Fallopian tubes, while under constant attack, in order to save your virtual girlfriend from a Little Shop of Horrors reject that speaks in

Wait, you forgot the one thing that truly elevates ODST above its seriesmates: it's a goofy crossover fanfic that happened to be made into an AAA videogame. Maybe you don't get to save the world. But you do get to be Big. Damn. Heroes.

Oh, and Sera has a theme song! How can you not love her.

Really? Man, what won't people get all pissed off at? So glad I've avoided both all pre- and post-release hype/discussion (except, well, right now). I thought it was a surprisingly realistic portrayal of a relationship of two people who are alike in kind but different in mindset, but like I said, it also reads as

Hi everyone! I also just finished Inquisition after being distracted from video games and the Internet in general for a long time following some catastrophically bad real-life decision-making! Public service announcement: New Girl is just a show! Do not actually sleep with your housemates, even if they are totally

You say you're nasty pirates / scheming, thieving bad bushwhackers / from what I've seen I tell you / you're not pirates! You're just slackers!