
Thank you, thank you. I have already availed myself of the commenting opportunities afforded by the Tolerability Index while waiting to spiel about Defiance. I am normally deathly afraid of Internet comments, but this site's commentariat seems to be a remarkable exception to the rule.

Cast a bunch of Native American/Canadian actors to play major characters whose Indian-ness is not their defining trait; turn your one black character from a sympathetic audience surrogate into a fuming killjoy. One step forward…

Tommy had potential ("loitering"). His chemistry with Irisa was about as good as you can expect for a relationship between one fairly normal person and another semi-feral one. The Great Expectations scene was cute. It's too bad they haven't been able to think of anything better for him to do this season than be The

If you play the game, you get to meet Yewll's oft-referenced colleague Eren Niden, who isn't as dryly witty as Yewll, but shares her occasionally unsettling scientific drive (she's introduced cheerfully botching a dissection) and desire to repent for her wartime atrocities by devoting herself to healing. It's a sample

Irisa and Nolan will continue their respective roles of Hot Chewbacca and Somewhat Beefier Han Solo.

Agreed, although I will submit that Datak and Rafe have also been fantastic together this season, if underdeployed - giving them common cause in their severely reduced stations was a good idea. Way more fun than the predictable Hatfields-and-McCoys stuff last season.

I feel like the show has succeeded in creating a complex world, and that's why it remains compulsively watchable even when the actual plot isn't firing on all cylinders. I really can't think of many sci-fi properties in which the world itself is so detailed and considered (even if some of the seemingly crucial details

I will second (or third, or fourth, whatever) the awesomeness of Stahma's freakout. She and Datak, neither of whom seemed particularly amusing last season, have turned into the show's secret-weapon comedy team.

Jorge Ben, Força Bruta.

Yeah, Prince is great, both movie-live and actually-live. I saw him during the Musicology tour, back when the half of America that had decided to hate Prince for some reason decided that it was once again acceptable to love Prince for some reason.

The best part of Purple Rain is the completely different movie Morris Day and Jerome seem to be inhabiting. Well, that and the waters of Lake Minnetonka. Well, and all the Prince songs.

I played some of it; I seem to recall some mechanic or other irritated me, and I gave up. Don't remember what exactly, it was damn near a decade ago.

Did you enjoy Norman Reedus' work in the hit TV series The Walking Dead? If so, you'll love seventeen consecutive hours of an artichoke-green digital version of his face expounding on sub-Alex Jones political conspiracies between cutscenes!

Yeah, it's something of a double whammy for depressives. Not only was a great entertainer felled by depression but also the standard misapprehensions about the illness that depressed people have to deal with so often are being writ large in the media. Everyone loved him! He was so funny! How could he depressed?

Larry King: the guy who sucks, plus he doesn't get depression.