
> Why is it so hard to install mods?

I used a lot a similar strategy when playing Club Penguin, but there it's easier: you know how much your opponent knows just by its clothes.

I used to develop extensions for Chrome, until it started blocking the extensions I was working on, when I uninstalled it.

Wait? Firefox extensions can change the interface, while Chrome extensions can't.

I just want that Snapchat don't try to follow Apple (see figure 5).

Why would I want get rich? I already have everything I need in the internet for free! I can download a car and ram memory, why not money too?

Man, if I need to test my CPU in this way I just open minerd: at least I'm getting paid for that.

It's a nightmare for everyone.

It's my temporary folder: if there is a file on my desktop then I know that I was working on this file and I still need to finish it, then move it to other folder.

Usually I redirect port 80 to 8080 (no-ip has this service, I think others too). It is ugly but works for small experiments. Sadly a blog isn't a small experiment.

Thank you, from old tape measures to the laser ones I keeping with then. Well, I still want some app to do this for me, is hard to take lots of measures, but seems that it's too hard to do in a app.

I can't adapt to this. I would prefer use cygwin than using Powershell, even if it's bugged.


Usually I don't read these reviews, mostly since Google+, as I'm a Android user.

I hate it: they often build wrong profiles about me and or use the wrong ones.

Can you show us what are the problems of this app? Imprecision? Hard to use?

But they still have access to your data. In fact is hard to make a service where you can't see users data then maybe never Gmail will have this feature.

I was listening just now (studing): it's working for me. I think the problem is because on mobile browsers it will not work as those devices will constantly stop playback to save resources.

It's from The Economist, but in fact it depends from where that search was done: in my country I think that this order will be something like "English, Spanish, Average, German".

I contacted aersia.net owner and he replied that there's already a HTML5 version: