Superior Spider-Man was f’n great.
Superior Spider-Man was f’n great.
I know, and every time they do I laugh because it’s like seeing ‘gluten free’ on a bucket of ice cream. Unnecessary, but there are the people who won’t know any better.
Thanks for reading the article!
“A lot of people are just done with being inundated with monotony. I have no issue with having a white, straight, or male character in a comic book, but when you’re constantly being reminded that you’re reading about white, straight, or male character, it gets old.”
Did the entire internet turn its ability to parse information off? (Answer: Yes, that ship sailed and sank before CompuServe was a thing) I’m less concerned about a VARIANT COVER IMAGE than everyone not being able to comprehend the concept of VARIANT COVER before their thumb-jerk reactions take off and they have to…
I always thought it was more about them wanting to have a guy who looked Aryan fight the Nazis? Like he’s Hitler’s ideal Ubermensch turned against him.
How many of Magneto’s schemes have involved the genocide of the human race? Like, a lot.
One of the few good things about the shitty retcon job they did post-Morrison was to say it wasn’t him. Because that was hella dumb.
He is not being rewritten as a member of Hydra. It’s a variant cover series depicting heroes and villain as Hydra. Marvel do these covers all the time. Not all heroes were rewritten as being Gwen Stacy now were they?
Magneto has been de-aged more than once so that’s not really an issue.
At least with Captain America you can say he was frozen until just recently. So he has a good excuse for still being young.
It’s a variant cover. Hell, there were tons of Venomized Variant Covers and none of those heroes got the Venom symbiote. Variant covers inherently have almost nothing at all to do with the story. Hell, I bet the instruction was “Draw some villains in Hydra uniforms” and the artist just chose Magneto.
It was truly a great movie. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. My question now though is, is this actually a continuity movie or something tangential that was meant to serve as a grand finale for the actors? It’s kind of depressing to think that the world of Logan is the one that ultimately all the coming X…
You didn’t know Wolverine was white?
Lots of women in comics are drawn looking vaguely East-Asian; it seems to be largely artist dependant. I’ve seen Jean Grey with vaguely folded eyelids.
I think he’s trying to make the point that Hollywood only cares about movies about Hollywood and actually good movies aren’t recognized at the Oscars.
Um whitewashing? X-23 is LITERALLY a clone of Wolverine. An old white guy from the woods of 19th century Canada.
“But if impactful is indeed derived from the verb rather than the noun—which is not a certainty—there is nothing ungrammatical about that.”
Merriam-Webster disagrees.
Counterpoint: “impactful” is totally a word.