
Yeah, I’ve already read this story done right...

An interesting thing to me is that many many atheists believe that their teachings will bring about a utopia of piece. Not exaggerating. Many very vocal and prominent atheists teach that if we just forced everyone to be atheists and banned religion then there would be no war or strife. This would be ironic enough, but

Well, it might have something to do with the fact that the Chinese are a little worried about expressing themselves on the internet. Something about the government actively censoring the internet has a tendency to make people nervous about saying anything too crazy.

I still say Returns got the shaft. First of all, 76% RT score. That ain’t bad. It played it a little too safe and definitely made some mistakes, but overall it’s a solid movie with a good cast and the kind of heart you expect from a Superman film. But OF COURSE comic fans crucified it for not having enough alien

She said a bunch of edgy stuff, and her parents responded by saying “We’re so sorry, that’s not the way we raised her.”

Most on-point Superman moment in the past ten years was in Superman Returns. Superman saves the plane and then with grace and dignity requests the passengers leave in an orderly fashion. Still, even that movie was paced like a dirge.

He said that all humans WILL BE OFFERED THE OPPORTUNITY to leave the Matrix. The Matrix still exists, it’s just the Machines have agreed to a truce.

...and then a bunch of people stay inside. They’ve been in prison so long, they don’t know how to live life outside.

He didn’t destroy the Matrix. He helped the machines get rid of Agent Smith in exchange for peace. The Matrix still exists and will continue to exist.

Last scene in the Matrix trilogy direct from...you guessed it, inside the Matrix ;)

This is a wonderfully written piece with a rather glaring error: you don’t owe your kids money, you owe it to the women who relied on their own income to clothe, house, and educate the children you love.

Yes. Now get off the internet until your homework is done.

Yup, raising kids is very expensive and very hard.

No I saw that too but that’s like two things. You telling me the ONLY non-writing jobs he could get was UPS or pot farming? If true, then fine I guess. But that’s not what he says. He doesn’t say he’s been sending out 50 resumes a week to regular jobs and can’t get hired. He just mentions writing and these two random

Me, as a child-support paying divorced mom with 50/50 physical custody, who still buys school uniforms and new shoes and haircuts for my kids because my ex-husband won’t.

I’m probably being a huge asshole but I have trouble understanding how the non-custodial parents not paying child support are the victims here.

Yes, the Dark Knight is one of the most overrated movies of all time. Take away Heath Ledger’s joker, and you have a farily dull movie. And the plot is an incomrehensible mess that is nearly completely dependent on random chance.

Iron Man 3 and the Mask are way better than Man of Steel.

Orgazmo is a great film! I could have put Man of Steel in the low 30s rather than high 30s, I admit... was pretty sure it belonged in the 30s, though. It’s got some serious flaws even though I like it a lot.