
Is it me, or does anyone not see a “&RefID” in the link?

and that is what this convention used to be about.

Yeah, and I’m sure her hot pants are supposed to be ‘empowering’ not just to show of her legs, right?

I’d mentioned before that it looks like he’s going to Dante’s Hell...and the new synopsis makes it sound like that’s true...so...is this the actual case?

Is that Bill Nye?

Who said it was sexy? I said it’s sleazy.

The most notable thing I learned is that I now have an even deeper appreciation for this guy’s peerless performance...

Ok there is big difference between sexy and sleazy, and this isn’t sexy it’s sleazy and embarrassing for everyone involved.

Plus its kinda hard to spoil something that was never made and nobody has ever seen

Picked up Godzilla in Hell #1 at SDCC. The art is just gorgeous, and the premise is so crazy that it works. James Stokoe is a genius and proves that once again.

That fucking trailer. From Superman in a literal ray of light to 9/11 cloud to Lex Luthor trying really hard to be Joker.

There is a wisdom that is woe; but there is a woe that is

We’re trying to take the idea behind the idea”

Much rather see this as a television series than a movie. Even only having three books there is still a lot of stuff to cover and you’d be hard pressed to get The Name of The Wind squeezed into a 2 hour movie without cutting it down considerably. Hell, you could probably get an entire first movie out of the parts of

I was going to make a joke about Good Omens, but reading the article, I see there is no similarity.

So, after DoJ, will Bruce be called Bat Judas?

You I wouldn’t be complaining about the carnage in MoS as much if the movie hadn’t treated it like it never happened. The moment after Super Jesus kills Zod and then screams like he’s about to take a dump (Seriously, every time Henry Caville grimaces it looks like he’s about to take a shit.), the movie immediately

Holy shit, not this again, for the last time, it’s not that there was destruction ITS THAT SUPERMAN GAVE 0 FUCKS ABOUT IT!!!!

But it’s a temporary thrill, isn’t it? How many of those movies are you going to watch again in 20 years? Now think of how people watch heavy special-effect (for their time) films like Die Hard or Platoon or Jaws over and over again. Who’s going to do that with any of the Transformers films in 20 years? Doesn’t it

So, lesson of the video, don’t be made out of styrofoam, stab people in the eye with bottle rockets or place your face directly over a mortar, but mainly don’t be made of styrofoam.