
It's the rule everywhere, just some diocese may not bother to check and see if that was the case, or some individual priests may just decide to go ahead with it even though it's not allowed. I can tell you that if it ever came to the attention of the Church (say, if an anullment was sought for this second marriage) it

and then there's Sacramental Marriage outside of the Catholic Church but within Christianity, which has a lower set of requirements to be recognized as valid by the Catholic Church, then there's Natural Marriage outside of Christianity, with its own rules for being dissolved separate from annulments... yeah marriage

it sounds like someone in that chain of people just doesn't know what they are talking about. There are steps that can be taken if the ex is uncooperative.

as someone with a degree in Catholic theology who has taken courses on annulments, marriage prep, etc, yeah, this isn't a big deal at all. This happens all the time, just typically with less pomp and circumstance. If you're already legally married, typically you wouldn't have a ceremony, your marriage would just be

Well it satirized cultural appropriation so it was automatically hipster-racism. The only way anyone is allowed to discuss these issues is in a calm, serious tone, preferably with one's finger sternly wagging at the lecturee.

Yeah, as jezebel's sister site io9 pointed out, this is extremely suspect, especially for the daily mail connection.

could someone describe what this ending actually does do, since the video posted doesn't work?

I thought mantis shrimp were tiny! all the gunshot videos don't convey the scale. Dang.

It's not "ignorant" because it's a critique backed with thoughtful, extensive analysis of very specific examples.

....have you really never been moved by a movie? Or had a dark time where a good piece of art helped you move forward?

It's a little weird that we mock women for their hairstyle choices, but sure

What about the lesbian sex scene with Daenerys? I think it's in the first or second book?

or Space Dandy?!

oh shove it. This dude was an artist that touched people's lives on a very deep level. It's not insane to be extremely upset at the death of someone who has changed your life in any major way.

No more so than "one of Spider-man's powers is he has a spider-sense" was a spoiler for the first Toby Maguire movie.

Isn't it a thing in modern feminism that we aren't supposed to shame women for not-shaving, but also for shaving? That we question gender norms but don't put down people who choose to adopt those norms? Never using makeup and using it daily are both totally ok options? So isn't this professor effectively saying,

...pretty sure she's openly for the equal treatment of men and women. She's a feminist.

alcoholics wouldn't have the tonic

We're all adults who were raised on complicated transformers growing up, some of us not too long ago. And we tend to give greater credit to the kids of the next generation since it was that long ago that we were learning from these cool puzzle-ish toys ourselves.

Accuracy? this isn't a freaking documentary. These are stories that have been iterated upon and improved upon multiple times, and the movies offer the possibility for the best possible version to be created yet, pulling from the best of the best of the past hundred years of comics.