psilbet, do you have a second to talk about our Lord and Savior? You too can be saved!
psilbet, do you have a second to talk about our Lord and Savior? You too can be saved!
No, mainstream modern american fundamentalist christianity doesn't stick to such criteria. Religions throughout most of history in most parts of the globe have dealt primarily with mythology and the culture that surounds that mythology.
Btw my snark was directed not at you (as you are quite correct!) but at the people responding to you.
Fair. A balance is always most productive.
Instead of naming a couple dudes you should point out how Islam and Catholicism both promoted the growth of science in the middle ages, with most stories to the contrary being very poorly misrepresented.
Seems like that most accounts of what science treats and proves, from the logical positivists forward, don't actually incorporate non-empirical unverifiable claims.
Honestly, we need a little more myth, a little more awe in our lives. While we really do need to keep the facts straight, having such wonderful personas as Einstein, Tesla, Franklin, Galileo, etc. help inspire new interest in the subject (and in history of science too!)
No, they reviewed a game and then subsequently reported on an interesting if minor story about an interaction between said game's developers and fans.....should they never report on any game they don't like?
Read his writing *on* science. It seems like beauty is as strong an indicator of truth for him as empirical success, and he certainly has some kind of anti-positivist faith.
I feel like every article I've seen previous to this on the bloop had some statement along the lines of "Oh and btw guys audio analysts have confirmed that this is totally a biological noise, using science and such."
His views about "god" seem to be extremely complex and fairly contradictory throughout his life. In any case, his views on science are so far from strict empiricism that to say that are religious at least in tone is not absurd.
I can only speak for the Catholic position on this matter, which according to the Vatican, is basically "believe in evolution pls, discard creationism, as neither of the creation myths in genesis are meant to express science. Kthx." So it would seem that even the christians who believe in evolution hold that they…
Freaking illiterate Danes...I for one salute my American brethren for taking the time to read the article before posting comments that were already addressed in the article: "I'm not on a politically correct crusade here. Off-color, exploitative jokes are generally fine, if they're done well. My gripe isn't so much…
It's a fairly common idea among Catholics that pagan mythologies and other religions aren't so much "wrong" as "extremely distorted reflections of truth."
Wait WHAT show is the tree from!?
Anyone tried the DS Version? Is it worth it at all?
They have been consistently disregarding the EU stuff since Episode 1. Now that a whole new group is in charge, I'd expect it to get much worse.
Wasn't Fright Night really well reviewed? To the point where there were rumors that a sequel starring David Tennant was in the works? This article makes it sound kind of like everyone hated it.
The article seems to indicate that he's given this and pretty much all other content his blessing. It's the option holder they need to hear back from.