
A “General Under Honorable Conditions” characterization of service is pretty standard for a Sailor who commits either a serious offense (think assault/battery or a DUI) or a pattern of minor offenses and has under 6 years of service. The Navy will use “notification procedures” to administratively separate the person

Gotta say, this headline is SPECTACULARLY misleading

I’ve gotta have it.

i like beyonce (have forever, saw destiny’s child in concert three times as a kid) but is anyone else totally exhausted by stan culture? the internet acting like she is the greatest thing in the history of the world and completely above reproach tires me out(the amount of ‘woke’ people i saw defending her for that

the tweet isn’t just juvenile, it’s sexist and homophobic.

The press release was real. I swear.

Well, I’m late to the party so I doubt this will be seen, but I’ll post it nonetheless.

This is gonna be a long one, but here it goes

The slate article about the Trump Server tied to Russia is a pretty big jump to conclusions. I think some techs are a bit too influenced by wishful thinking.

This was a great show and it is a miracle it lasted as long as it did on CBS. I think the reason it survived is it started as a fairly generic, but well done, procedural with a gimmick (bread and butter for CBS) and only got deeply into the near future sci fi elements once it had built an audience.

If they let me imagine eating steak off Scarlet Johannson every day, then sign me up to be a Duracell battery.

I just hope our future robot overlords are powered by Samsung.

The sooner Twitter can’t find a buyer, runs completely out of money, and disappears off the Internet, the better off humanity will be.

So outside of Porsche sports cars (since the Miata is no longer happy) what other new cars in the market still have a happy fascia?

That is what I love about working here. I can give very reasonable and helpful car buying advice and do a fun shitpost all in the same day.

Look at Tom being funny!

Why do people want to hug kids anyway?

Take this garbage off gizmodo.

You guys are trying too hard for click bait hot takes.

Click-bait articles are getting really bad.