
I don’t really get it generally, but what comes to mind when I think of a strung out, amnesiac, overweight drunkard is not a modelesque Hollywood starlet. The same is true when movies are supposed to depict a hardcore drug user that still has all their teeth and no purple or blue on their arms. It’s not

This is typically done in many scenarios to preempt blackballing. For many corporations and government/gov contractor positions, more in depth background checks tend to look at various aspects of your college record in conjunction with other historical incidents. It can even be used as justification for refusing to

Now playing

Your breakdown of food is all wrong, what about all the Aspic I need?

The fp and sfz notation descriptions are perfect. You really see the fff and ppp not even bothered with a lot in listening to non-professional players. It’s hilarious because it’s so true.

So far my favorite response to being interrupted has been, “Actually that’s both illegal and a terrible idea, now then.”

I’d love to see some more investment by DOE into betavoltaics and other alternative sources of battery power. There are so many restrictions on source material due to industrial mismanagement that there hasn’t been any major breakthroughs. More plutonium batteries for long-lived, low power options would be pretty

You should probably be a tad more ethical in your reporting what the judge actually found, rather than shovel hyperbole. Specifically the ruling identified that the executive branch did not follow policy law and provided no comment period for the proposed executive changes to the law, which was the overriding reason

This is the very definition of a no-win scenario. A trans or hyperandrogenic straight/L/B person will be presumed to have an advantage simply due to the differences between male and female world records, male and female competition scales, and so forth.

Restricting participation as they have attempted in the past will

The other major thing that many members seem to get extremely worked up over is the whole Hilary and mishandling classified information. That kind of activity threatens them with Leavenworth, so there is a great deal of contempt for someone (rightly or wrongly) they perceive as having broken the rules and getting off

The issue is not necessarily that MSNBC eschews anti-military sentiment, but commonly they lambaste various significant military figures, either for their personal failings (Petraeus), or for their political leanings (McCain). There is also a pattern of deflecting responsibility when people have to be released from

What better way to advertise your protest then by blocking the street and attempting to murder vehicle operators? There is literally no one in the right here.

Good start. How was localization and QC done on the game? Are these character customization screens different by region? I realize that this is mostly a complaint piece, but it would be helpful to know since this was launched in a ton of countries and developed for an enormous market.

Clearly you have never lived in a rural area. Rural US towns are very spread out due to various agricultural areas, and in several states a person can be an hour drive or more from the closest school. Cycling that far is not really feasible, and public transportation does not exist in most rural segments of the

Was there any indication of a Note 7 Developer Edition release?

Like becoming overpriced and failing to signal before nearly killing someone changing lanes suddenly? /s

It’s remarkably similar to Wyoming, Colorado, Montana, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington (excluding obvious cities).

Average height is 5'9", but everything feels like they make it for 5'0". IMO complaining is justified at heights > 6'3" since that’s the tallest you can be and still fit in a 737 seat without significant actual pain. Being taller than that sucks a lot in some ways, is convenient in others.

Keep in mind the nominee is accused of disseminating special access program data onto unauthorized computing systems. That’s considered espionage if she were not so politically powerful, hence the lock her up chants at both RNC and DNC. Not classy, not appropriate, but understandable.

I would think those with a lot of OPSEC, COMSEC, and INFOSEC experience and knowledge would probably not expose themselves to such catastrophic legal consequences as KAT did. It’s the same as critiquing criminal bank robbery techniques, people willing to put themselves at that level of risk typically aren’t the ones

I’m curious, was there a feature on uTorrent that made it surpass the Transmission-Qt client for Windows? I tried both and Transmission seems to be far less hassle than uTorrent ever was.