
A lot of this depends on the company. For example, you are not permitted to do certain kinds of outsourcing for security if you host certain kinds of servers (designated “critical infrastructure”) or have access to certain kinds of data (such as sensitive government research). Most companies do their best to keep

My internal mathematician is dying a little at the phrase “100% minority”.

You should really consider taking it up to the Mountain West (Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, Montana), there are tons of winding, steep mountain roads to be scared on and some of the highest speed limits in the country (80-85 on most interstates).

Actually no, if he wins it will be because people voted for him. You cannot win an election by winning the hearts of non-voters.

I like how your tigers moo for whatever reason.

I always wonder in articles like these if there is any room for people to define or discuss a topic in terms of risk mitigation, rather than rights or lack thereof, or moral obligations or lack thereof.

Really good details in the story, 5/5, would hoon.

Is it weird that I absolutely love Shiraz/Syrah and Malbec with steaks instead of Cabernet Sauvignon? I usually like Bordeaux wines (Merlot, Cab, and mixtures of the two typically) for just relaxed drinking without food or with less flavorful meats, but again, I’m probably just weird.

You have a glaringly, egregious error in your article regarding the voting record for Women’s Suffrage (19th Amendment) in which only 9% of Republicans and 40% of democrats voted against it. There is much to be said for how the parties have evolved over time, but the fact remains that on this issue, it was the

You should keep in mind that multiple notable terrorists have held American citizenship, this is the entire reason that the Executive Branch engaged the FISA courts to permit the assassination of citizens deemed enemies of the country (by the President and the intelligence community). http://www.reuters.com/article/us-

You should start combing the footage for clues as to which express-lane car the Doctor is in!

I’m not familiar enough to make broad generalizations on how individuals spend their time, but to your point 2, STEM jobs are by far the most rapidly expanding series of markets for employment. If you had a sudden surge of individuals going into STEM fields, it would likely continue to surge the affiliated fields. At

Your trend scenario doesn’t really hold up when compared to major companies like Dell that pivoted a ton of their resources to enterprise markets when they saw declining PC markets. Yahoo has definitely been squarely in the not-hot category for a long time, but it only proved that Mayer and the Yahoo Board couldn’t

Will I need an accredited investor portfolio to handle the repair costs? What’s the legroom situation for tall (>6') people?

I am greater than two standard deviations above the norm for height in the US. Driving usually involves moving the seat all the way back, then reclining the backrest to where my head is close to parallel with the pillar in smaller cars. My knees generally never go under a steering wheel in non-truck, non-crossover

What kind of legroom and recline distance does it have? Could you fit a > 6' tall person in it?

This sounded all believable until the baseball bats and bicycle chains part. What kind of criminal doesn’t have at least a few firearms in Oakland?

My mistake, the tower is likely to use refined molten salt rather than incident photovoltaics.

A 1988 Nissan pickup was stolen from me by the police. They insisted that the area immediately in front of my garage was not owned by the same owners of the garage and thus they declared it abandoned and towed it within 12 hours of tagging it. Caught it at a junkyard just before they were going to strip it. As is