
The best part will be the complete lack of information on what it does to the earth to obtain that much tellurium for just one solar plant.

Your narratives are so much more compelling when you casually walk into threats of violence against a victim of perpetual abuse. Please, do go on.

1) If your asking, your capabilities are not sufficient to conduct a cyber attack, and 2) What you are describing is illegal.

The real problem I’ve had with this since it began is the inconsistency with which security rules are applied. When information is classified under things like the Atomic Energy Act or other laws, violation of those laws are given specific penalties depending on the offense, and codified in corresponding CFR sections.

My anecdotal observations differ depending on where I am geographically to work. If I am in the mountain west or west coast, everything is more casual, jeans + collared shirt for the men and many of the women dress similarly, subbing in leggings and other outerwear depending on weather. Management dresses in oxfords &

Believe it or not, taxis aren’t nearly as prolific outside of cities like NYC. The difference here is that Uber and Lyft and their affiliated clones can be picked up without all of the typical taxi infrastructure. When a company spreads out of just low velocity, big city movement, it can have far greater impacts,

Thanks, that makes a lot of sense.

Do these work when all your monthly non-rent spending is done on credit cards for points? I pay the statement balance each month, but it seems these solutions only work for checking account debit-style transactions.

Extremely fascinating, thank you for the post! Do international drivers licenses function in Japan, or are there special hoops one must jump through to drive there? Also, do Japanese GPS systems suffer the same kinds of local distance frustrations we encounter with the European and American counterparts? I can imagine

You should be far more daring and go across the most rural sections of the US that you can. I would recommend the following:
Kansas down I-70 west of Topeka
Texas down I-10 between El Paso and San Antonio
The Dakotas & Nebraska (any)
Eastern Wyoming and Montana

It could be your epic most-boring drive of 2016!

I strongly prefer those genetically unmodified crops from 65,000,000 BC. Only the most natural of foods from the dawn of existence are acceptable!

Very cool, thanks for the summary!

You are killing me with that unclosed parenthesis.

The problem really is for people who are just starting out, or people with low incomes. Prior to getting approved for my new-main card, I would get above 50% utilization every month; now that my main card has a much higher limit, I never come close to that.

This is also helpful advice for people who aren’t really