
Hadn’t seen that one before. Nicely done.

You may want to compare resumes, then get back to us.

Difference being, Chelsea has two brain cells and doesn’t ride on mommy’s coat tails. 

I’m curious: What sites and resources for making easy/quick money can you name off the top of your head? No cheating. Don’t Google it. I’ll star your reply so everyone sees it, since I clearly missed something with this article and offended you so greatly that you had to come all the way to the bottom to comment.

A similar mentality as the “truck bros” blocking Teslas? Cultural changes are hard on some. I heard there was a lot of backlash against the first automobiles 100 yrs ago as well...

It’s the same mechanism as the missionaries coming to Hawaii to save the natives from damnation, except those families ended up owning all the land. And business. And culture. I guess it’s just like colonialism except applied at a modern meta level.

surely this will be the thing that sinks his support.

well they voted for it 

Missing the point = BAD

It never stops to hurt my heart that Trump is president. Ultimately, not because of the ugly qualities that this article perfectly captures but because it told me something that I didn’t know about the working, everyday 63 million fellow Americans with whom we share the country. I used to love road trips and exploring

By and large, yes, if you do the withholding right and you don’t have investment income or losses. Psychology is weird, though—my father in law loves to over-withhold and get a big refund. You can explain to him that he’s basically giving the government a zero interest loan all day and he won’t care.


AS the son of a naturalized citizen, all I can say is: 

Fuck you Sarah, and your boss too.

Yep. A whole bunch of Trump voting poor white people are about to discover that those checks they’ve been getting count as “welfare”.

I, for one, am very excited to see their faces they realize that Medicaid is welfare. Just like discovering that Obamacare is the dogwhistle name the GOP gave the ACA.  

There are four rankings of classified information in the American intelligence community. Confidential, Secret, Top Secret, and code word clearance. The information that President Trump divulged was considered code word clearance-level intelligence, and thus it was above the Top Secret ranking in clarification.

Except the 12 women who accused him of sexual misconduct. I feel like that’s “doing something.”