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    worst “smart” TV I’ve ever owned. Quality is actually good but android TV is garbage, always freezing and restarting. If you use it as a dumb it might be useful. Hisense also doesn’t seem to care to update their TV to the latest android version either. Just a heads up!

    worst “smart” TV I’ve ever owned. Quality is actually good but android TV is garbage, always freezing and

    I couldn’t have said it better. Thank you!

    I agree, if games can get laggy right now, imagine adding an extra layer of lag, lol. 

    ummmm its your real money being stolen vs credit... that’s the most important difference. 

    Tell that to every “witch” that was caught and is currently in jail :)

    ummm... your porn star fucker president colluded with our enemies to win. In the meantime he’s locking up kids (who then get raped) and then separated from their parents sometimes forever. Tell me again why are you all so high and mighty?

    I know right? They elected the most disgusting piece of shit garbage man and they expect us to be civil. Fuck them!

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you’re funny. Next you’re going to say the left made Christmas illegal. 

    I’ve never seem a man whine so much in my entire life. I thought trump supporters wanted a man president?

    There needs to be a law that anyone above 60 years old cannot run for president. Period. It’s not rocket science, after the 60s your brain starts to slow down and you say stupid things like the current orange puppet, or biden last night.

    Maybe it’s time our government starts passing actual laws instead of “guidelines” when it comes to nepotism.

    when you have that much money and no morals you dont give a shit about anyone or anything else except making more money

    if they really cared about the public’s interest they would’ve closed his account years ago. They only care about how much money they make off of him and his campaign. (They pay twitter a shitload on ads).

    Like we dont know? The only two counties that matter in Florida. Miami Dade and Broward. duh! 

    basically another Trump terrorist. The disease of trumpism is spreading. 

    Thanks Trump! #MAGA

    No ragrets

    I used Onavo back when it wasn’t part of Facebook and back when mobile data was a big deal, it helped save data by compressing all the images and regular unencrypted content. I wonder if Facebook has that data now! :O

    So why are they allowing this to happen? Walk out, protest, make sure your GOP Senators stop listening to the Russian puppet and make them work for you. Also vote. And for those that still believe this is the Dems fault then maybe you deserve everything happening to you.

    disgusting! now the real question is ... who the fuck is R kelly? lol