
They do, they're about to announce a handful in a few days.

I honestly don't know what EA's deal is, but whatever they want to do, that's on them.

They can take their "unprecedented partnership", shine it up real nice, turn that sumbitch sideways and stick it up their candy asses.

This just in from Hiroshi Yamauchi:

Every Year is the End of Nintendo (tm)

This whole EA hellbent toward Nintendo will only end this way

"During an investors meeting:
Recently some publisher have shown interest to bring their game to Nintendo WiiU, and as a company, we would like to provide a wide range of experience to our costumers, but, after much debating, we reached to the conclusion

Well I'm not offended so uhh... I guess it's harmless?

No, I've been going to Kotaku since 2009. I still don't understand why Kotaku aka "The Gamer's Guide" publishes articles that have nothing to do with video games.