Well I hate to break it to everyone, but levels of perception dictate that "4th person" would be not interacting with the main character or even perceiving them at all. A 4th person video game isn't a video game.
Well of course they have more value, their hardware is more expensive.
This only applies to homonyms.
You disagree with the correct usage of the term "generation"? Gotcha.
Not really.
How is it not depressing? Nintendo being considered a toy company... They're so much more than that.
I don't have a problem with misspellings, but the fact that you intended to use "superior" when referencing any console over another is taking sides.
How to correctly monetize from an MMO in the year of our Lord 2012:
Blanket term? No, I'm just going by dictionary definition of what a generation is. Saying Wii U isn't next or current gen is a misnomer, it's the latest Nintendo hardware so it's current. Generations in hardware aren't supposed to be compared between competitors, they're supposed to be compared to previous iterations…
I mean this "Bobbysuimarytoo" person means "perfect for wii u when compared to what ps4 and xbox one are capable of".
Pachter is a quack.
I am so glad people like you have a presence on the internet. ♥
They've had a current gen system since 2012, a whole year before PS4 and Xbox One. And Wii was leagues ahead of PS2 in terms of hardware, but definitely on par with Xbox.
"Next Gen" is not in reference to processing power and capability. It's in reference to iteration from the same company. Wii was last gen, Wii U is next/current gen.
PS3 and Xbox 360 are not more powerful than Wii U, please stop spreading this slander.
Wii U has been running next gen games since 2012.
That's a pretty depressing sentiment...
Quite the contrary.