
Funny, that's exactly one more time than they've actually done that.

How many times have you watched Nintendo "crash into irrelevance"

Good luck on becoming an old person and dying before Nintendo decides it's in their best interest to become a 3rd party company!

It's a hardware issue, yet they're releasing on PS3 and Xbox 360.

Scariest Kotaku "Article" 2013

I'm not sure I want to read the article, because of the incredibly sensationalist headline. Didn't GW2 already "fix" everything "wrong" with MMORPGs?

Thank God I only sinned virtually or this would have bearing on my entry to heaven. I'm only going to virtual hell.

gives me indiana jones vibes for some reason

What is "RUST" from Facepunch Studios???

quality brian ashcraft article

Why even make write/post this article if it's: A.) About an anime, and B.) A bad one

What a horrible rebuttal.


Gives me a Queen of the Damned meets The Darkness 2 vibe. I might pick it up on Steam when it goes on sale.

earbuds will forever be horrible

Buy a Wii U for all the other games too then.

Nintendo should just try and sell the gamepad on "5 player local multiplayer"

"The only system that supports used games"

It's release date is going to be announced as "August 2015" but it won't release until November of 2016. The game will let you play with the gamepad, pro controller, or Wii remote + nunchuk with Skyward Sword's controls.

And Teen Titans too please, the new version sucks big time.