
Woah woah woah there. "I have no desire to buy or play Battlefield 3 because its community seems to be staging a pageant to determine who can be the angriest hypercritical entitled ingrate in video gaming"

i dream of one day this becoming a reality, across all platforms.

Yeah... the sword killed it.

Fakefactory sucks.

I find the dialogue funny and I'm gay myself.

Is this a joke?

That's not even what the HL3 logo looks like. The lambda is in the corner with the 3 in the circle. Doesn't anyone remember the Tshirt that a valve dev was wearing a few weeks (or months) ago?

Wow so I wasn't the only one who recognized the music!

Not impressive compared to maybe a modern gaming PC. But the GPU in the Wii U surpasses that of an Xbox 360's or PS3's, and has a (for the most part) normal controller. Sounds like Nintendo wants to appeal to what you would consider the relevant gaming demographic (at least for consoles).

"Darksiders 2 is out on PC, PS3 and 360 sometime in 2012."

Before 2007 I was a leech, but now I'm a Politician/Enabler/Clown. Griefing is so much fun! (I don't grief team-mates though)

Whenever I see "Comment pending approval" I give the video a thumbs down. Youtube needs to remove that feature.

CoD's story isn't really worth it, I suggest at least renting it for Xbox so you get the multiplayer (aka what the devs focused on the most)

It seems that way.

I'm glad I'm not the only one.

I guess comics are dead then.


Oh. Just looks like common avid fan apparel (for japan at least) to me.

Circle said furry.

Am I the only person who actually likes Korn?