
Kotaku, you accidentally used the word "gimmick" in your article title.

That's Windows 8's "Metro" UI. Don't worry, you can switch between Metro and Win7 UI seamlessly.

Looks good, can't wait to pick it up.

Wait what? Peter Parker died? Why wasn't every person on earth notified of this important event?

Looks like BF3's night vision.

I do this ALL THE TIME in Gears of War 2.

They could at least port existing games to the 3DS and PSV. I can see 3DS running an optimized version of Portal just fine, and a PSV could run any modern-day demanding source engine games (L4D, Portal 2, Alien Swarm) if optimized the right way.

No I agree, the video speaks for itself.

I just said I had a good laugh. Why would I be mad at a joke?

I hate how people call it "Nyan Cat" when the person who created the original GIF almost always refers to it as "Pop Tart Cat".

In Twilight Princess it only did it every time i either opened a chest or picked up an object on the ground that's "new".

CS:S is not more balanced than Halo: Reach. Halo's Sniper requires 2 bodyshots or 1 headshot to take down anyone, whereas CS:S's AWP sniper takes 1 bodyshot.

I think that PS3 players might be able to host private games that PC can join, but not the other way around.

"That's what Counter-Strike is: a game of skill."

"visceral first-person shooter experience" is a really broad term...

no it's either a fedora or a trilby.

Awesome article Kotaku, I learned a lot about this game.

"He's running uTorrent! BAN HIM!"

Same, he is one sexy motherfucker.

Concept art counts, and if i remember correctly they DO have concept art for EP3.