
Is that an N64-esque controller? Holy shit where can I buy this thing

Anyone got these images in a higher resolution than 640x360? Kinda hard to tell the differences with such small images.

At least you get hi-res textures. Everything else seems to be DX11 only.

I find this hard to believe. Even the Nvidia 400 series can handle DX11 fine. And a sandy bridge CPU can handle nearly everything.

The pacing in Tribes Ascend is akin to CoD's, while the gameplay itself looks a bit like UT and Halo mixed.

Wishing harm on someone who wishes harm upon you does not make you a better person than them.

It seems you are misinformed. Might want to do research before you judge people.

Only the sane ones

The thing is:

For some people it is "just a fetish". But for most it's like being a trekkie.

Notice how not all of them aren't crazily retarded.

There are tons of avian furries, and very very few insectoid furries.

It's a good thing being a furry doesn't entail being "accepted".

Way to be the prime example of "emotional or stupid".

See, when I play a game online I love it when this type of stuff happens. I have to mute myself to keep them from knowing how loud I'm laughing.


Looks good, but I can't afford it.


I like this.

Then I must have amazing virtue.