
Delicious fake food.

@cosmopanda: Jedward is a laughing stock. People like them because they're funny. Beiber is an annoyance. No one likes him except little girls.

Good idea. Bad execution.

@Orionsaint: HD is the new standard. I think video game companies shouldn't be substandard.

If they included them in games without saying that they were in them, why not just allow devs to use a universal "achievement" system that shows how many you have, but not how many you're missing or even how to get the missing "achievements"? That way it would be a bigger surprise than looking through how to get your

Sure, the combine had G36c's. And they shot SMG rounds. And some wanted to be ninjas. And L4D zombies were in Ravenholm.

I wish I could afford a gaming PC.

@Manly McBeeferton: 4chan is a large contributing factor to having a cache of images.

@Prinny1God: That's a good idea, but kind of a mouthful. I wish I could come up with my own name...

@Pyro3000: Heavy Rain wins movie of the year in my book.

"maybe Seattle" Haha, that's a good one.

@noisedamaged: It shouldn't be in any corner. It shouldn't even be that close the the edge.

@PajamaSam: Because generic shooters include dinosaurs.

The back facing camera couldn't be in a worse place.