
Ah. I’m not a football fan so I never get FIFA or pay much attention to it, but a friend of mine buys FIFA every year and I remember him getting pissed off at it several years ago, that’s all I remember.

Didn’t EA also release one of their cup add-ons at some point without the full lineup of licensed teams? I think it was about 4 years ago maybe, and they charge for their one.

Only €10k?!?!?

Some countries should be getting it. I work in Gamestop here in Ireland and we’re part of “Gamestop Northern Europe” which is Ireland/Sweden/Denmark/Norway/Finland, so we all get the same product availability emails. Back at the start of January we got one saying it was confirmed for preorder (sales team wait until

Fire Emblem still TBA in the EU :’( I check every day for the CE to appear on the computer in work ;-; Looking forward to Disgaea PC and Stardew Valley though!

April 2016 in Europe~

I was really hoping they’d have a picture of the amazing looking upcoming FFXII Fran Play Arts Kai model coming soon.

Another Taken King “quality” expansion and this game won’t make it until Destiny 2.

afk trauma

I always do things like this in the Gamestop I work in, as well as put my preference of what faces front instead of the marketing I should be following :x

Weekend off, Trails of Cold Steel arrived this morning, vita charged, family away. it’s time to rock.

*walk over skeleton bones*

I had thought this was given up on. I remember following some of their original screenshots way back when, and then they released the first video and I lost my mind. Nice to see it’s still going.

Yeah I’ve got Children of Mana (and Sword of Mana) but drew the line at Heroes. Can’t remember if I ever finished it though. It came out at a really bad time. I’m fine Secret of Mana and Seiken Densetsu 3 being my peaks of the series.

Yeah, I’ve played the shit outta it, finished all the stories too many times. Hell, I even have a great condition boxed JP copy. I love it too, including the improvements, graphically,musically and mechanically, but SoM still takes #1 for me.

I don’t even want Corrin, I only want Cloud. I just know Nintendo are so trigger happy with amiibo in their games now, I’m expecting something to happen in FE:F with it.

Now I just need a date for the Corrin (and cloud) amiibo to show up on the system in work (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

Was planning on starting Trails of Cold Steel since it released today, but amazon didn’t ship it in advance like they usually do :(

I remember the good old Machinima incident, there was another one more recent as well but I forget who it was.

I think more likely would be “I’m-not-using-my-tits-for-donations streamer barbie”