
That’s understandable. I did mention it was always aimed at the people willing to run 2, 3 or even 4 high end GPUs. Sure, a single 980/TI/Titan X is a powerhouse, but I wouldn’t fault someone going single core for staying where they are. It’s the people spending €2k+ on GPUs alone and claiming they “don’t need more”

I never understood why most pc gamers are so reluctant to upgrade above 1080p. It has instant noticable benefits (so many more pixels, not even including G-sync or higher refresh rates). This isn’t aimed at people running a GTX660 or something, but you have people rocking SLI/3-way-SLI 980/TI/Titan X and saying “1080p

Yep, you can commence throwing money at your screen now.

Of course it will, it doesn’t have the number 3 in it.

While trying to “insult” me, you just reaffirmed my entire point. Thanks for saving me a long winded post in case you hadn’t understood ^_^

Probably because the PS4 can actually run the Unreal Engine well this time, since the PS3 couldn’t.

I’d be a bit more forgiving if they worked on Vita too.

Does this include europe? I was a little disheartened a while back when my physical Vita copy was delayed until “next year”. Would be nice to buy at least 1 game this year for the Vita....

That’s my plan of action for anyone involved in gaming “journalism” or “esports”

We joke about it now, but come maybe 2020 it won’t be a joke. It’ll end up with someone being killed or maimed by something pushed out of the factory early and then it’s draconian law time. What’s the saying? An ounce of preperation is better than a pound of treatment? I think that is wrong but it’s something like

Sadly arcades have been impossible to find in Ireland for about 20 years now, so other than 1 random machine here or there, I can’t even remember :’(

So we’re not just seeing buggy/broken console/PC games now, it’s arcade machines next. Wonder what is next? Phones, microwaves, ovens, cars?

Proud to say I’ve never used fast travel in Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Skyrim or Fallout 4. Blows my mind why someone would want to play a big open world game like Fallout/Elder Scrolls and want to just skip to everywhere.

I actually officially retired my Xbox 360 today. Without even realizing the date. It had gone largely unused (save for a few “going back to play again” titles) since Xbox One’s release. This morning I set it on the shelves alongside my SNES, N64, PS1, etc. It now joins the “retro/retired” section. Funny how 10 hours

Most collector’s editions of games cost €10 less than a console these days. The CE/LE prices are climbing almost every release and what you get it is less and less.

I’m not an amiibo collector, I only have Smash Bros Yoshi and Smash Bros Link, but I’ll likely buy a Tom Nook. Friend of mine cries every time they announce more.....he has almost every amiibo to date and will be trying to get every AC amiibo as well.

Standard UK hipster indie fare. Shouldn’t be allowed present a bone to his dog, let alone a company announcement to thousands of people. Just as bad as sticking Andrew House in front of a crowd and saying “lolI’magamerguise!”

No, it took me 7 minutes to think of something witty and find a gif.

On a serious note though, power armour used to be earned. It was a badge of honour. It was your free pass to badassville. Now it’s just thrown at you 20 mins into the game :(