Uniformly Yellow

How does this have anything to do with the free press? The sites were not profitable enough. No one is stopping anyone from exercising their press rights. The writers can band together and make their own local news site. They already have an audience. They just need to pay for the hosting and management and everything

Refusing to get involved with underage boys in a situation where are they exploiting attractive young men they plied with drugs and alcohol who wanted to be Hollywood stars regardless of a lack of acting talent does not make the situation any better. This was not a situation of guys wanting Singer or Singer’s friends.

Because of the law. It is the same reason Singer or someone there policed ages at his parties. Guys are like that. Younger means more fecund.

This is not a gay thing. It is a general male thing. The same thing is seen with attraction to women. 18-22 is the prime age regardless of how old the man is. Exceptions exist. The “chronophilias” are more common in guys, but every sexual disorder is more common in guys. One of the guys I knew who had his first sexual

Singer loved young men, but kept it legal as he or someone around him was allegedly very strict with age control. I think that makes them bigger creeps. “Oh, you are 16? Come back in two years!”

Singer’s “twink” wranglers checked ages. They left nothing to chance. They could be in trouble for providing alcohol and maybe other joy causing things to the young men, but the men were all legally able to consent and be recorded in a sexual ways.

He is ignored because he keeps refusing to ever name names. It looked like he wants attention. Now it looks like he wants money.

It is the opposite. Young guys could not find other sexual partners because same sex acts were stigmatized. Men want young mates always. The general trend is young fecund mates. Men are most attracted to 18-22 year olds for their entire lives. Women like closer to same age until they get halfway through middle age,

No one said that, but you have to refute it!

If only you were 1/10th as smart as you think you are...

Nice defense of “relationships” with a large “age gap.” Your motivations are obvious.

NAMBLA is not the same. NAMBLA is prepubescent while this is pubescent.

I read more about it after meeting people who told me about it. I knew a guy who was the young partner in an “age gap relationship” when I was young. It was always weird to me, but I sort of ignored it. His life whatever. Other people giving same type of stories with same reactions made me wonder about the subject.

I don’t ignore that. I said it was wrong. For reasons of no consent and reasons of age difference. Both.

No one approves of rape or sees it as a normal part of sexual growth. Don’t compare the two. That is quite offensive.

You are the one who is uninformed. Gay men will tacitly acknowledge that these relationships through euphemisms that serve to make it seem less problematic. They justify it through social stigma and lack of other opportunities.

It is not accepted with males preying on females though. It has not been for a very long time. That is the difference. Young women can find young men as partners. Gay men could not and instead had sex with old men.

Spacey’s actions can be viewed as being within that “large age gap” position you mention. Rapp is a victim and only a victim. He was not consenting. He could not legally consent. Rapp would have been a victim had he been willing. I don’t know how common this is now. I am much younger than Rapp and know victims of this

You want it both ways. They are blameless for not directly taking part, but other people should be blame for merely knowing something was happening.