
Take=Hot Karl

Shawn Kemp has 11 opportunities to show Karl that he’s a good father.

I agree. I love 426 hemis, but I’ve never seen a dyno chart of one making more than 290whp. But they were “underrated” at 425bhp. Yeah, right.

Really? I mean this sincerely. This is a normal thing? I haven’t quite accepted the normalization of pronouncing MPG “Em Pee Gee” instead of “miles per gallon”, and I don’t know if I can get add BHP as “bee aitch pee” instead of “brake horsepower” to the list.

I bet if you bought all of them head go for $500 each. Imagine the LeMons 🍋 (Spec) race where it’s all LeBarons!!

It’s a fucking tragedy that cake hasn’t had a new album in like 6 years.

Now playing

All I can think about is Cake, “Short Skirt/Long Jacket”:

It goes drunk, stupid drunk, super drunk, drunk af, and Russian Tuesday Evening

Now playing

I know it’s basically a 30 second loop but oh what a 30 second loop it is!

This is the upper Midwest we’re talking about here. They have dozens of kinds of drunk much like the Inuit have 70 words for snow.

Yeah it is.

i remember getting a breathalyzer in college, and naturally we all wanted to use it. I remember getting mild-drunk and blowing a .07, and being like “holy shit, this is considered LEGAL?”. By the time I was .15, i was incoherent. I always looked at news stories like “oh, it was just .1", but .1 is a LOT.

Is super drunk above or below stupid drunk? Asking for a friend.

Only if I come across a healthy amount of money overnight. Other than that, no new cars for me in 2016.

Unpopular opinion: All notchbacks are uglier than their hatchback counterpart.

And just so happens to sound like some sort of WWI rotary airplane engine.

Environmental Penetration Agency.

May I suggest for your next project that you try sleeve valves? That should provide hours of toil and frustration too!

Yeah it smokes like a son of a bitch and runs like crap, but the dude *made his own BMW head with an alternative valvetrain*, and *IT RUNS*.