
Ya know, getting these jackasses to experience shame for what is probably the first time is the only way they would ever stop. What she is doing might help prevent someone else from getting an unsolicited dick pic.

My daughter is four and is OBSESSED with the minions. Every time I see a twinkie, fire hydrant, or one of the gigantic sticks of chalk we have at work I think “minion”. I’m starting to see them everywhere, and it’s making me insane.

Silver lining? Increased production in the U.S.

I wanna see one paintedd up like a minion with the weirdest boner.

It reminds me of watching scrambled cable porn back in 1997; I know there’s a car in there somewhere, but I can’t see it through all the squiggly lines.

I read that in Hunter Thompson’s voice.

It’s more like a constant, unending sprinkle. I remember a few years ago it “rained” for 300 days straight, yet Atlanta still had a larger overall volume of rain.

Ugh. That is embarrassing. I like the Seahawks, but this is stupid.

I shoulda said something more witty.


Anyone out there who is good at video editing, please add lightsabers.

Why would he bother with that spice garbage? Weed is legal here. Plus it was nbd long before it was legalized.

That big of a fireball has gotta be due to a wet nitrous system. Typical engine failures usually are directed by Michael Mann, not Michael Bay.

10/10 would drift.

Why was the US market Escort so crappy? Why?

Primer cord.

My only issue with 5 is the helicopters. They were fantastic and intuitive in 4, horribly clunky in 5.

No one, and I mean not a single person here is “jumping off the bandwagon”. No one I know at least.

That sweater reminds me of the camoflague automakers put on pre production prototype cars during real world testing.

Same reason someone would buy a Legacy over an STi, or a maxima over a 4 door G37, or a base 7 series over an M3.