
No, just some alone time is all.


If only comments could be downvoted somehow.

All I have to say is: Yes please! Also PNW FTW!

I know it has nothing to do with the article, but Oxford comma ftw.

What a good show.

Locally we have this asshole on the radio (Gary Gary the Hyundai fairy- no joke) who claims that "Our dealerships down in California are desperate for used cars! Give us yours on trade in and we'll pay you retail". Yeah right.

That has happened so many times.

Fuck no! Noooooooo. Boooooooooo! What a pile.

If the guy she's with is fine with it, then who cares? This shouldn't be a huge discussion.

I've never been so turned on bu an exhaust system. Ummmmm, I need some alone time.

Was the drivetrain really made by GM?

Sears logistics. I'm not getting a "new" one until this one explodes. Even then the next one will be thoroughly used.

The only thing wrong with mine is lack of maintenance, really. It's a 2001 with the cummins 24v 5.9. It has never failed to start, ever. It will pull a loaded 53' across a dry parking lot with all 6 brakes locked. You did a good job designing that little beast. Still wouldn't mind something newer though.

Its a terrible/funny song: "Fuck tha world" by ICP.

Yeah, I saw a veedub engine+ boxy engine bay and took Occams razor to it.

Don't bother trying to analize these lines, in this song I say "fuck" 93 times!

Yeah I totally think "racing" when someone brings up a modern Corolla. Which is never.

It wouldn't be so bad if it didn't have 60000+ hours on it.

VW thing?