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    thats not true at all, smash 4 used tp link instead of ss, could just be a skin

    Isn’t buying live already over paying?

    Isn’t buying live already over paying?

    Shame, toys r us is where I got my nes mini and sat out hours in the freezing rain.

    Several different reasons that depend on the game.

    nah, console exclusives drive sales, there is a reason why the xbox is selling like crap compared to the playstation.

    not sure how this has anything to do with nintendo being a prick, they were the only person willing to fund beyonetta so they basically own half of the IP now.

    I’ve got great news for you, the 3rd one is an exclusive as well!

    let’s get it on the switch and add link once again.

    we’re just going to gloss over xenoblade? a game that will last just as long, if not longer, than breath of the wild?

    If you read the description of the video that wasn’t one take, it’s just put together like it was made in one

    controller works just fine, nothing about it was impractical or uncomfortable. You’ve clearly never used it before.

    Didn’t this end awhile ago? I remember reading about this a month or two ago

    This seems to be a common thing with amazon. I don’t care if I save $12, I’d rather walk to a store and just pick it up instead of waiting 3 extra days.

    What’s wrong with tb exactly?

    Amazon has always failed to deliver the games I buy from them to arrive at my house when they release. I’d rather lose a few bucks and just walk to the store 15 minutes away so I can play it when it comes out.

    Amazon has always failed to deliver the games I buy from them to arrive at my house when they release. I’d rather

    Shame it’s the 3gb model, waste of money.

    Shame it’s the 3gb model, waste of money.

    what kind of idiot buys a sound bar for atmos

    what kind of idiot buys a sound bar for atmos

    I pre-ordered mine at walmart and it shipped two days ago, I should get it sometime next week.

    lol, naughty dog’s controls are absolutly terrible unless you’re driving a car.

    ya, but you won’t have to worry about the shitty controls, so it’s fine