some people like to collect, you sir aren’t one of them
some people like to collect, you sir aren’t one of them
no not really. Rosalina was the only one that was hard for me to obtain
give me a 4k version for my background and we’re set
The announcer sounds like mujoe from bomberman lol
so....what now
that....doesn’t actually look that hard. Then again I play a lot of racing games and don’t own this game so I have 0 room to talk
I mean...they exist in america too if you are willing to pay the extra money and make it yourself. Most banks (at least the ones I have gone to) let you submit your own design if you are willing to pay for it. (with minor restrictions)
damn, I was hoping for a cool time lapse video of it getting modeled, I’d pay for that
so... you want ark survival evolved really did know that? wow
you can fly in this version of the game
yay, now we’re going to get a take down notice after 3 years of work, thanks for reporting :/
HOW IN THE WORLD IS TOAD TURNPIKE #1 its hands down the worst next to excite bike, its so boring, just a figure 8 with traffic that isnt even hard to dodge
there is nothing to nerf on link or ness?
CALM DOWN EVERYONE! we still have jiggle physics so its going to be ok..I tried
a case wont kill your machine though
wait, this is real? i thought it was some fan animation i just came across on youtube
is...this the kind of stuff they put on the radio now? this was painful listening to
most of 151 suck (and yes, i even started with gen 1)