
What’s with the camo? DO YOU WANT TO BE SEEN OR NOT BRO?

I’m curious why you feel the need to be pedantic on this.

Every fucking day with this guy. I like to come here most days and talk to people: can you imagine going somewhere and only wanting to get everyone pissed off at you?

BWIH = Tomato Troll.

@MarkBurnettTV called to say that there are NO TAPES of the Apprentice where I used such a terrible and disgusting word

Blue Wave is the tomato troll 

Blue Wave is a Russian plant, imo. Take a peek at their history, draw your own conclusion.

The only reason that his supporters insist that Donald Joffery Trump is playing multi dimensional chess is that they’re too stupid to understand what multi and dimensional mean and think chess is just checkers with horses.

I think this is one of those cases where the nuance is being lost in the fire.

I guess it’s unanimous then. Even Nazis hate Nazis.

Well white men created at least three fifths of the Constitution. 

Right?! STOP FUCKING APOLOGIZING TO THIS WOMAN FOR SOMETHING THAT NEVER HAPPENED. The jokes weren’t about her goddamn appearance, and I don’t believe that she doesn’t understand that. Fuck her.

I actually know that story! But I’m glad you’re sharing it so that others can see it too. :)

It’s not just about no consequences.

Shortly after the election- actually on Veterans Day, 3 Chads came into my bar for dinner. I worked at a slightly upscale steakhouse at that time, for context.

I love when people say they’re going to “call their attorney” like they ALL have lawyers on retainer and shit.

Even taking away the whole “of the people, by the people, for the people” aspect of government, you know what’s really dangerous from a security and safety aspect? Millions of homeless, jobless, penniless and hopeless people. That’s how revolutions start.

Ah, here we go! Bill Browder!

Well, damn...I didn’t know what kind of hat you wore determined where you would end up in life. Where do you buy those big top hats all the rich guys wear? I better get a monocle too, just to be safe.

Clicked through to the Daily News article and holy shit: