
Thanks for the reply. Typically the vulnerabilities to our infrastructure are discussed only in the abstract, so when an event like this happens I wonder how likely it could be intentional. My “spidey sense” piqued when I read this article.

For what it’s worth, I want to give you and your company a hearty thank you for

Given your experience, are pressure controls like this ever connected to the internet? For example, remote access. Not trying to be conspiratorial, but what do you think is the likelihood (realistically) of a hack being a possible cause? 

I’m curious if Columbia Gas’ “pressure control system” is connected to the internet. 

H: “E, you are a shit human for believing X.”
E1: “H, you believe EVERYONE who doesn’t think like you is a shit human being.”
E2: “H, you also believe I am a list of these things because I don’t believe what you believe.”

—- ...many... ...fallacies... —-

Holy F***!!! Yezee is simply and unquestioningly plain stupid. Willfully so. On so many levels it’s obvious that this man has never read a book. Shoot, he keeps making movie references to current affairs without ANY historical understanding. Someone needs to school him publicly. He ain’t gonna learn otherwise.

Sadly it’s not, “if you aren’t with me you’re against me.” It’s “if you are against my existence, you are against me.” I have tRumpers in my and my wife’s family. My wife is white and I am a POC. These relatives are litteraly against the existance of myself and our son. They believe we are less than human. How is my

Deductive reasoning is a logical process in which a conclusion is based on the concordance of multiple premises that are generally assumed to be true.

Thank you! this back and forth on the MSM about “perjury traps” is infuriating. For a perjury trap to work the lawyer would have to know, with corroborated evidence that a particular substantive fact is the case. They (the lawyer) would then have to know that the witness knows this fact, and that the witness will lie

Yeah... Kid has a lawsuit in the bag with this.
Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District, 393 U.S. 503 (1969)

It will be interesting for the school to try and prove a documented history of “blue bandanas” and gang affiliation in the school that’s not some attenuated assumption. A good lawyer will get

The issue with the term ‘victim” is that in this venue it implies, by it’s definition, that a wrongful act happened to the person. The purpose of the trial is to determine if there was even a wrongful act and then that the accused person did it. Or system isn’t perfect, but you can’t skip through those two parts no

Please name one majority white school where “textbooks emphasize POC to the point of devoting most pages to them.” I’m talking K-12 here and not some cherry picked African-American Studies course tucked away in some University’s catalog. This is only one logical problem to your statement.

Another is that the vast

I would love to see an intersectional analysis on the denial of systemic racism with climate change denial. Shoot throw in conspiracy theorist too. My suspicion is that on a Venn diagram these groups heavily overlap for some easily identifiable reasons. 

FYI: Blue wave is confirmed tomato

I think those are the hosts of Fox & Friends.

What is what?

Whatevz Master Chef James Crowell and your famous Tomato Sushi, I apologize for my comment’s “multi” tiered complexity.

You seem to have not received the original Glavset memo. Please refer back to Episode IV, and return after your retraining. до свидания