
“Great Value Eddie Haskell”

I took it as, if your roommate tells you about her harassment or assault, you don’t just listen/comfort. Inform yourself on the resources available proactively and make sure she knows about them when/if the time comes.

Well someone needs to tell HR to update the shared Google doc of the “who’s down” list. I almost spilled the beans yesterday with some rando on the bus about my “round earth” dividend check from NASA. He seemed cool since he knew the Chemcloud formula, but damn man, they need to hand out name tags or something.

“I didn’t do anything wrong. I’m a good person!”

Remember the good old days when conspiracy theories were just a handful of extremely powerful people manipulating others without their knowledge to stay powerful? Now they involve thousands of participants, sometimes on global levels, actively and intentionally deceiving the public with no perceivable motive but to

The “+ power” to an ‘ism’ has always been problematic for me and feels more like a justification than a legitimate definition. Ageism is a belief that an arbitrary category of age is viewed as inferior or superior compared to your own. Does it matter if it’s a teenager or senior citizen? By this definition, only those

He is a 71-year-old ‘she’ from Texas.

My wife likes to say “the translucent.”

After reading J40's racist screed, I got the distinct impression this person was a woman. Something about their sentence structure screamed unhinged old white lady. A quick google later and it seems Mrs. J40oaks is just living up to her septuagenarian Texas crazy.

Albert Burneko over at Deadspin gets her hatemail too

“...Jake Leinenkugel, a senior aide installed as part of a Cabinet-wide program to monitor secretaries’ loyalty...”

He’ll probably blurt out “Wow you’re pretty short,” when they meet. Then he’ll be confused that everyone’s upset because he was just speaking the “truth” and it wasn’t an insult anyway. Back home the propagation machine will kick in full speed about free speech, political correctness, and let T-Rump be T-Rump.

Considering NO ONE on our side knew this was coming until it happened, I’m putting my skeptical spectacles on. My skepticles if you will. If anyone doesn’t think NK is saying they’re ready to start playing the manipulate Trump game, I got a bridge you might be interested in buying. Four scenarios pop out at first

  • Evidence of receipt of lesser nationally or internationally recognized prizes or awards for excellence

And dreamers are too lazy to get off the couch.

Two words...

“Blue Bloods.”

So Putin is 65 years old, and I know he’s likely to live a whole lot longer due to secret KGB super soldier serums and such (I’ve seen Rocky IV). But, I’m starting to wonder how stable the country is, absent Vlad?

I mean the guy has been running the show since Yeltsin. All his political opponents have been jailed,

You would think Ben and Candy would have asked for that guidance BEFORE spending $25K illegally, and BEFORE trying to fire the person who pointed out that they did so.

This “Presumption of Responsibility,” when it comes to gun ownership (a tool designed to kill) is some BIG OL’ privilege.

“How dare you question my permanent status a responsible gun owner...
1) I passed that one background check years ago, or
2) It’s my right to buy privately without telling anyone or proving