
It’s not about minorities. It’s about people who embrace an arbitrary label used to divide. The whole point of the Sanders campaign is that we are all in this together.

As a PoC, I agree with him. The issues are rooted in disparity of resources and power. The divides along racial and gender lines perpetuate that disparity, in that they give us excuses to accept that very structure. They are superficial distractions. Not superficial as in not important or worthy of redress. They are

Is it just me, but doesn’t Clinton’s argument that she was Sec. of State defeat her stance that the president needs complete foreign policy experience? “Obama thought I had great ideas so he asked me to serve,” seems to me to say, “A president doesn’t need all the solutions as long as they appoint the right person.”

While I agree that nearly every thing that comes out of Deepak’s mouth is utter nonsense. He can string words together that are logical, though common sensical. As to the tweet above:

The table is operated by three 9 volt batteries.

I agree for the most part, but a slight correction. Evolution does not work toward survival. Survival is the effect of evolution. What lives lives, everything else dies.

All the stars!!!

Apple did not “steal” from Xerox. This myth was debunked decades ago.

But... did Crum know that he had a suspended license? If he did, which would be some weird vigilante world of minority report, than it was premeditated. If he didn’t know and swerved to make a point, it was also premeditated.

I’m just saying its notas much as your making it out to be. There was a study by “just label it” that broke the numbers down already.

Less than 10 minutes of graphic design time to incorporate it into the existing label. The cost to implement is near zero and a one time expense. Used to work as a label designer back in the day for Farmland Foods. We swapped out labels for existing product lines pretty much every single day. The cost for that is

A child dies every 4.3 seconds from starvation or treatable disease. What is your plan for dealing with that number, and then dealing with the additional 1.3 billion on top of it that you are mentioning? Seriously, what is your solution?

Or... That’s all any of it is. The presupposition is that we, or intelligence, or life is something above and beyond “patterns.” Perhaps all that exists is something akin to this experiment—waves undulating in resonance interference. Just a thought.

Not that you are doing this, but it seems there’s a misconception about natural selection. Traits are not advantageously “chosen.” There is a change in an environment, which in turns leads to certain traits being a disadvantage to survival. Those traits are selected out. The remaining traits which do not hurt, remain.

This “Zahn?”

The frogfish makes me feel like I’m looking back to the Devonian period.

I can’t help but think of the money-changers in the temple. What would the lashing look like on this scale?

Sorry to nitpick, but “if Darwin screwed up?” While I get what you mean, I don’t think this is the best phrasing. Darwin wasn’t the designer (not that there is a design). Darwin was an observer.

At first I was gonna poo poo this comment saying something like, "What are you gonna put goggles on the them or something?" Fortunately I looked up corvid vision (gotsta loves the interwebs) and found out they actual can see partial UV and IR. Pretty cool. Thanks :)