
hey, hey, whatya, whatya - use fewer words, rabin - this ain't a book you're writin' - & we ain't a buncha latte' sippin' readers. this here's a rag & we're tryin' to consume it.
carry on smartly.

hey, hey, whatya, whatya - use fewer words, rabin - this ain't a book you're writin' - & we ain't a buncha latte' sippin' readers. this here's a rag & we're tryin' to consume it.
carry on smartly.

game of thrones animated cartoon series?

i had a "'stache" in the late 80s for no apparent reason.
church ladies called them "cookie dusters" -
to avoid any reference to moustache rides.
embarrassing now.

so uhh hello! where's the link i click to watch it for free?

so uhh hello! where's the link i click to watch it for free?

i think she finds herself the MOST fascinating.

i think she finds herself the MOST fascinating.

if "Menomena is now two-thirds of its former self"
does that mean they're one-third of their future self?

if "Menomena is now two-thirds of its former self"
does that mean they're one-third of their future self?

i wonder who the male Ian MacKaye is, then.

i wonder who the male Ian MacKaye is, then.

those animals would've eventually died anyway. being biological & whatnot.
…unless they do that 3-days-later resurrection magic thing.
that would certainly throw a wrench into the workings of the legal system. for humans, i mean.

those animals would've eventually died anyway. being biological & whatnot.
…unless they do that 3-days-later resurrection magic thing.
that would certainly throw a wrench into the workings of the legal system. for humans, i mean.

is that a tootsie roll on the cover?

is that a tootsie roll on the cover?

is the mystery what Mr. Penumbra's first name is?

is the mystery what Mr. Penumbra's first name is?

did i miss "marvel comics: the told story"?

did i miss "marvel comics: the told story"?