
Beautifully put, Margot! I am witlessly consuming beauty! unless it's not very good beauty. then I am consuming… something else. However, I remain concerned about my consume vs. create ratio, no matter the culture!

Excellent question below, Margot!
The latter. Our culture's emphasis on bonding through shared passive experience is odd! & I was grumpy:)

by "do something" i of course, meant commenting.
excellent commenting, btw!

how does it enrich your life to watch someone else doing something (unless it inspires YOU to do something)?

"Madsen understands that Mr. Blonde is terrifying because he doesn’t give
a shit, which means he isn’t gonna expend any real energy…"

release the solenoid rods, smithers!

I can't wait till he stars in a biopic about Dawes.

a book by a dick about a dick marketed to dicks.

zzzzz… this article has 2 many words or something.

read "American Sniper" by a Navy SEAL. Love that stuff. call it "special ops porn."

1) PreTeen Mountain
2) Pirates of the Pre-Cambian
3) Coming Bear Jamboree
4) Mr. Toad's Wild Thigh
5) Honey I Fucked the Kids (aka Haunted EPCOT)

Franco listens to Dawes.

Disappointed they didn't cover Uncle Tupelo's "We've Been Had" - a far less pretentious & more enjoyable song.

didn't elvis costello make this album during his gay phase?

well-expressed. i sadly & wistfully agree 100%.

does she a duet with Jim Morrison?
I wish Skrillex would die so she could duet with them/him.

Skrillex is a power tool mistaken for a band, yes?

to say nothing of American Sphincter.
Dawes is brilliant. I mean Clowes.

which one's joe strummer then?
did the clash do the soundtrack?
has elmo been sainted?
is ally sheedy in this?
& Judd somebody?
elmo is the color of fire.

apparently he felt guilty for not serving a mission, so he consented to do missionary work the video way, using his fame to put him in the "missionary position" bada-bing!