
i am old school; thought i knew shit, but hell no. i went to the facebook article, but i could only comment there, no posting photos

I see you have found the joke.

I’m never gonna drive again
Guilty speeding’s got no rhythm
Though it’s easy to pretend
The cops, they ain’t no fools

Shoulda’ known better than to race a Benz
And waste the rental cars I’m given
So I’m never gonna drive again
Because I am a too-oooool....

Typhoon drivetrain + AWD Astro = Monsoon? :-P 

I’m not surprised, they both are coupes...

If you’re too fucking stupid...

So what you’re telling me... is that you’re on the head scratching side?

That’s just because you can’t see the punchline. McMike’s post was only the setup. All you saps who bought it, that’s the actual joke, and it was very good

I blame BMW.

2.historicala four-wheeled enclosed carriage for two passengers and a driver.

The specific times are really not the point I’m trying to get at. Without coordinated charge scheduling and a re-engineered grid the issue of grid load is still an issue, that’s the point...

I scrolled through this whole list and couldn’t see 45 used Geo Metros as an option.

This article fails to understand the most important contention with Tesla.

My favorite number in that link is Wyoming....$1.4 Million.  I know it’s a state with a tiny population and basically no industry but even then that’s hysterically small

McLaren tried this lightweight focus in the early 90s with a car called the F1. It was good. They should make something like it again.

Buick doesn’t even offer the TourX in Canada. Reason being?... and I’m not just saying this as someone who just wants a particular car, but won’t buy it. I actually want to buy the damn thing, because it looks fantastic and comes with everything I want. Just give me a goddamn chance!

“Shut up hater. *vape* You don’t fucking know what you’re fucking talking about. *vape* The GT86 is about balance, brah. *vape* If you add more power, it fucks up that balance. *vape* I’m GLAD Toyota didn’t give it more power, because it’s so perfectly balanced. *vape* It’s perfect in every way, which is why i

This very site featured an article on how you can get a brand spanking new Fiata for a couple grand more. So I am going to crack pipe this one.

That’s exactly the kind of anecdote i’m going to tell at my next party, just to bring the mood down.