
The union hasn’t officially started action yet. There’s no picket line to cross. 

Yeah, I’m literally waking up early for the morning shift tomorrow. 

Same.  Never participate in online petitions or anything of the like, but I sent AMC a message begging them to renew Lodge 49, figured it couldn’t hurt.  Hopefully it gets picked up, especially as I read an interview with the creators where they said they haven’t been just making it up as they go, that they have

Same here! I really loved this show. As is the series ended with a fine finale, but goddamnit I want more.

The first time I ever wrote to a corporate blob to save a show, too.

Nooo :(

Seems like a bad day to be a popular entity with some takes on capitalism.

They haven’t been fired. Only Barry from Deadspin was fired. Kotaku staffers are just showing support and solidarity on Twitter but no Kotaku members have been fired. This article claiming this was poorly researched- Barry never worked for Kotaku.

Also, I think it would be super cool if a wasp stung Jim Spanfeller’s urethra.

Best wishes to all the Kotaku staffers just fired.

See I think that is just another example of why Jim is not the good guy of this show that we all have been told to believe - I also think through new viewings the Jim and Pam romance is just, ick. He tries too hard to be cool and is intentionally cruel every other day to a co-worker.  It’s weird to go back to The

The Internet...Now, with less sarcasm!!11!1!!!!

Needs more Comic Sans.

I will say that i wholly disapprove of that being the official sarcasm font just because it’s a god damned pain in the ass to type out.

Too bad, you made him a nice offer but he just punted on the opportunity.

I’m a big fan of Shadowrun, but I’m hardly ever on the East Coast. If I am, though, I’ll send up a bat signal

I wrote a sci-fi book that’s coming out next March; it’s called OTAKU and it’s kind of a love-hate letter to gaming culture, but with a whole lot more thrown in. If you want to pre-order it that’d be cool, if not no worries.

Coinflip on whether they turn the lights out before it hits or not.

Ah, The Office: where looking at the camera IS the punchline!